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Contents Introduction Overview 1 Product Package Contents 1 System Requirements 1 Getting To Know Your Digital Camera 1 Battery Installation 2 Software Installation 3 Taking Photos 8 Camera Function Control 9 Power off the Camera 9 Continuous Shooting Mode 9 Deleting Photos 9 Flash 10 Photo Storage 10 Downloading Photos 10 Using Your Digital Camera as a PC Camera 12 Live Browse 12 Video Conference 13 Appendix 1: Specifications 13 Appendix 2: Answers of Frequent Asked Questions 14 “PhotoImpression” User’s Manual 17 Introduction Overview Thank you for purchasing the DC1620 digital camera. It can take photos and it also has the built-in PC camera functions. This camera is equipped with a 4MB SDRAM: if you want the photos in the camera to be downloaded into the computer, you are only required to connect the USB cable; and if you want to use the built-in PC camera functions, you can have a videoconference over the internet to have a face-to-face online chat with friends. Product Package Contents • Digital Camera • CD - ROM ( User manual and software) • USB cable • Quick user guide System Requirements ÿ Microsoft Windows 98 Se/2000/ME/XP operating system ÿ 125MB or above free hard disk space, 32MB or more RAM ÿ Color Monitor (Suggest at least 800*600 24 bits or above) ÿ Available USB port and CD-ROM Getting to Know Your Digital Camera: A. USB Socket B. Tripod socket C. Strap Holder D. Lens E. Flash F. Shutter Button G. Flash Slide Switch H. Delete Button I. Function Button J. Viewfinder K. LCD L. Battery door - 1 - Battery Installation 1. Open the battery door. 2. Please place two AA alkaline batteries according to the pole directions for batteries indicated on the bat


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