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Overview 1
Product Package Contents 1
System Requirements 1
Getting To Know Your Digital Camera 1
Battery Installation 2
Software Installation 3
Taking Photos 8
Camera Function Control 9
Power off the Camera 9
Continuous Shooting Mode 9
Deleting Photos 9
Flash 10
Photo Storage 10
Downloading Photos 10
Using Your Digital Camera as a PC Camera 12
Live Browse 12
Video Conference 13
Appendix 1: Specifications 13
Appendix 2: Answers of Frequent Asked Questions 14
“PhotoImpression” User’s Manual 17
Thank you for purchasing the DC1620 digital camera. It can take photos and
it also has the built-in PC camera functions. This camera is equipped with a
4MB SDRAM: if you want the photos in the camera to be downloaded into the
computer, you are only required to connect the USB cable; and if you want to
use the built-in PC camera functions, you can have a videoconference over the
internet to have a face-to-face online chat with friends.
Product Package Contents
• Digital Camera • CD - ROM ( User manual and software)
• USB cable • Quick user guide
System Requirements
ÿ Microsoft Windows 98 Se/2000/ME/XP operating system
ÿ 125MB or above free hard disk space, 32MB or more RAM
ÿ Color Monitor (Suggest at least 800*600 24 bits or above)
ÿ Available USB port and CD-ROM
Getting to Know Your Digital Camera:
A. USB Socket
B. Tripod socket
C. Strap Holder
D. Lens
E. Flash
F. Shutter Button
G. Flash Slide Switch
H. Delete Button
I. Function Button
J. Viewfinder
L. Battery door
- 1 -
Battery Installation
1. Open the battery door.
2. Please place two AA alkaline batteries according to the pole directions for
batteries indicated on the bat
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