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翻译与写作模拟试题一 Put the following sentences into Chinese (每小题6分,共30分) There is a scene to be witnessed everywhere in England at four or five p.m. when people enjoy a cup of tea, with toast or biscuit and with a bit of conversation. His heart was so gnawed by despair that he could not force a smile. The workers were kept in complete ignorance of the company’s financial situation. The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena. A body at rest always remains at rest unless it is acted on by external forces. Put the following passage into Chinese(20分) The safety of reactors could be improved in many ways, say the experts. The sites of new plants must be chosen always with the greatest care; the construction of nuclear plants and the quality of their equipment must be controlled carefully by specialists, and the operation of reactors must also be watched by experts from a government agency rather than by the private utility companies that built them. The personnel must be well educated about the operation of their reactor and trained to deal with malfunctions. 3. Put the following sentences into English (每小题6分,共30分) 1)学习一定要结合实际,独立思考,囫囵吞枣是绝对收不到效果的 2)这家机构因公正在国际上享有声誉。 3)凭舟极目望去,远处是黛色青山和五彩斑斓的田野。 4)要在不到十年中实现小康目标,任务时很艰巨的,因为中国人口众多,底子薄,各地发展不平衡。 5)这就点燃了武装斗争的燎原大火。 . 4. Put the following passage into English(20分) 凡外商投资 通过企业有能力也愿意与天津市工业企业通过技术转让,引进人才、技术帮助、经济支持等途径共同开发国家统一经营以外的制成品,特别是开发机电产品和精细化工产品,并通过外方的销售渠道直接为外国公司提供制成品,可以向市外经贸委申请扩大联合开发的业务。 5. writing (50分) 翻译与写作模拟试题一(答案) 英翻中 每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种请景在英国到处可见。 他的心被绝望咬得很痛,根本笑不出来。 公司的财务状况一直对工人隐瞒,他们对财务的事一无所知。 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 除非受到外力的作用,静止的物体将永远保持静止。 英语段落翻译 专家们说可以用多种方式使反应堆更安全。选择新厂址必须始终慎之又慎;专家们必须小心掌握核工厂的兴建和设备的质量,反应堆的工作也必须受到政府机构派出的专家而不是建厂的私营公用事业单位的监督。工作人员必须很好地学习如何操纵反应堆,并接受如何处理故障的训练。 3 中翻英 1)It is essential to combine book-learning with practice and think independently. An uncritical acceptance of what one reads will not yield desirable results.。 2)The agency enjoys an international reputation for imparti



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