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. 1. His mother’s strict with him, so he ____ smoking. A. gives in B. gives away C. gives up 2. Our teacher suggests that we ____learn the text ahead of time. A. must B. can C. should 3. Tom had a party yesterday. They ____ themselves. A. enjoyed B. can’t enjoy C. would enjoy D. must have enjoyed 4. These coats are comfortable. They ____ well. A. are sold B. sold C. sell D. have sold 5. There are many ____ in the room. A. furnitures B. pieces furniture C. pieces of furniture 6. I heard that those clothes were ____ a great sale. A. for B. on C. at Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? New words and expressions pull v. 拔 cotton wool 药棉 collect v. 搜集 collection n. 收藏品,收集品 nod v. 点头 meanwhile adv. 同时 pull ① vt.vi. 拉,拖,牵,扯(反义词?) 我感觉有人拉着我的胳膊。 I felt someone pulling my arm. You are pulling my leg. (?) pull ones leg 开某人玩笑 你在开我玩笑 不要再开我玩笑 Dont pull my leg any more. You are kidding. 你在开玩笑 You are joking ② vt.vi. 拔,抽 他把一个地址本从他口袋里掏出来了。 He pulled an address book from his pocket. ★collect v. 搜集 collect salary collect stamps collect money collect children 领工资 集邮 筹集资金 收养孩子 nod v. 点头 ① vt.vi. 点头,点头示意/招呼 我问他是否想来,他点了点他头。 I asked him if he wanted to come and he nodded his head. 当我们在办公室见面的时候,他总是向我点头 When we meet each other in the office, he always nods at me. ② vi. 打盹,打瞌睡(常与off连用) 他过去在法语课上常打瞌睡 He used to nod off during the French class. 因为他很累,所以他一边看书一边打盹。 As he was very tired, he nodded off over his reading. Review: shake(shook,shaken) ① vt.vi. 摇,摇动,抖动 Thompson先生摇了摇他的头。 Mr. Thompson shook his head. 他的手一直在发抖。 His hands are shaking. ② vt. 同……握手 丹和他握了握手 Dan shook hands with him. =Dan shook him by the hand. =Dan shook his hand. meanwhile adv. 同时 meanwhile = at the same time = in the same time 用法和 however 一样,不能连接两个句子,但是意思上有承接概念 夏娃在剪草,亚当种玫瑰。 Eve was cutting the grass, and?meanwhile?Adam was planting roses. 1 When do den


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