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IMI 消费行为与生活形态年鉴 Integrated Marketing Information 为您在中国的客户提供最佳的解决方案 The solution to deliver more to your clients in China 我们的使命(IMI mission ) 为经济处于快速增长的中国市场提 供准确而广泛的技术支持! To contribute to the Chinese fast moving economy by delivering an accurate and broad image of the Chinese society 关于我们(The company ) • 博统正析数据信息咨询公司正式成立于2001年 IMI was officially created in 2001 • 自1995年开始收集国内消费者调查数据 Has been collecting data since 1995 • 由北京广播学院广告研究方面的两位知名专家主持研究 与编篡工作 Based on the work and with the participation of two of the most well known media professors from Beijing Broadcasting University – 丁俊杰院长( Ding JunJie) – 黄昇民院长( Huang Shengmin) • 由最初的3个城市的市场调查发展到目前的21个城市 Started with 3 cities, now covering 21 cities across China 我们的客户(The clients ) • 超过1500家客户,基本涉及社会生活形态的所有领域 With more than 1 500 clients, IMI reaches all industries – 市场调查 Market Research – 广告代理公司 Advertising agencies – 企业 Advertisers – 公共机构 Institutions • 遍及国内外 In China and abroad 我们能提供什么(Our product ) • 提供如下几个方面详细了解中国市场综合信息的工具 A yearbook that includes all the information needed to understand the Chinese market in terms of – 市场基本情况(人口统计,经济发展水平,居民生 活条件等) Market conditions in the cities (demographics, economic development and living conditions) – 地区媒介接触习惯(超过1,000个媒体调查,涉及电 视,广播,报纸,杂志和互联网络等) Media habit (more than 1,000 media surveyed including TV, Radio, Print and Internet) – 关于消费者对产品与服务方面的消费态度 Usages and Attitudes towards a full range of products and services 数据收集方式(Methodology) • IMI 与央视-索福瑞媒介研究机构(涉及国内外电视媒体 用户的调查与研究)进行合作 IMI partner with CSM (CVSC Sofres Media) -The reference in China and aboard for its TV audience methodology • 超过21,000个样本户的入户访问 More than 21, 000 successful face to face interviews conducted in 2002 •



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