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前 言 Foreword 欢迎您使用本公司的特种缝纫机控制系统。 请您仔细阅读本操作手册,以确保正确的操作、使用特种缝纫机,请按照本手册内注明 的方式进行操作,否则,如违规操作所造成损失本公司不承担责任。此外,请将本用户手册 妥善保存在安全地点,以便随时查阅。若发生故障须由本公司指定的技术人员或专业人员进 行维修。 Thank you for using our Computerized Control System for Special Sewing Machine. It is appreciated that you do read this manual carefully in order to operate the machine correctly and effectively. If the user operates the machine contrary to regulations herein, thus cause loss to user or third party, we will not take responsibility. Besides, you should keep this manual for future use. For any fault or problem of machine, please ask the professionals or the technicians authorized by us for repair service. I 安全注意事项Safety Matters for Attention 1. 安全操作的标志及含义 Signs Definitions of Safety Marks 本使用说明书及产品所使用的安全标志是为了让您正确安全的使用产品,防止您及其他人受 到伤害。标志的图案和含义如下: This User’s Manual and the Safety Marks printed on the products are to enable you to use this product correctly so as to be away from personal injury. The signs and definitions of Marks are shown in below: 如果忽视此标记而进行错误的操作,会导致人员的重伤或死亡。 The incorrect operation due to negligence will cause the serious personal injury or even death. 如果忽视此标记而进行错误的操作,会导致人员的受伤和设备的损坏。 The incorrect operation due to negligence will cause the personal injury and the damage of mechanism. 该符号表示“应注意事项”。三角中的图案表示必须要注意的内容。(例如左 边的图案表示:“当心受伤”) This kind of marks is “Matters for Attention”, and the figure inside the triangle is the content for attention. (Exp. The left figure is “Watch Your Hand!”) 该符号表示“禁止” This kind of mark is “Forbidden” 该符号表示“必须”。圆圈中的图案表示必须要做的内容。(例如左边的图案 表示“必须接地”) This kind of mark means “Must”. The figure in the circle is the contents that have to be done. (Exp. The left figure is “Ground!”) Ⅱ 2. 安全注意事项/Safety Matters for Attention Danger 打开控制箱时,先关闭电源开关并将电源插头从插座上拔下后,等待至少 5 分钟后,再打开控制箱盖。触摸带有高电压的区域会造成人员受伤。 For opening the control box, please turn off the power and take away the plug from socket firstly, and then wait for at least 5 minutes before opening the control box. Touching the par


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