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青岛理工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸 摘 要 本文针对山东xx 县污水处理厂进行了设计计算。xx 县污水处理厂的建设 规模:40000m3/d;原水水质:CODCr: 480mg/L,BOD5: 225 mg/L,SS: 373 mg/L; NH3-N:45 mg/L;要求处理后水质达到国家《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》 (GB18918-2002)一级B 标准的要求:CODCr≤60 mg/L,BOD5 ≤20 mg/L,SS≤20 mg/L,NH3-N≤15 mg/L,TP≤1.5 mg/L。 本文根据其进水水质、水量及出水情况,分析比较了各种污水处理工艺, 确定该污水处理厂采用倒置的A/A/O工艺,产生的污泥经浓缩、脱水后外运。 主要设计内容包括:污水处理工艺选择及各工艺单元的设计(包括工艺流程 的确定及各单体构筑物的设计);污泥处理工艺设计,(包括工艺流程的确定及 各单体构筑物的设计);污水处理厂的平面及高程布置(包括污水处理厂处理构 筑物和辅助构筑物的平面图及高程图的绘制)。 关键词:污水处理,倒置A/A/O工艺,构筑物,工程,设计 第1 页 青岛理工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸 ABSTRACT The technological design of the small town of xx wastewater Treatment plants which have the water quality of 40000m3/d are discussed in this paper. The load of CODCr, BOD5, SS and NH3-N are 480mg/L, 225mg/L, 373 mg/L and 45 mg/L. After treatment, the water need to meet the first class effluent standa- d of nation, that is to say, then the CODcr ≤60 mg/ L; the BOD5≤ 20 mg/ L; the SS ≤20 mg/ L; the NH3-N ≤15 mg/ L ;the PH:6~9; the TP≤ 1.5 mg/ L. According to the need of wastewater in quality and analyzing several technolo- gical design of wastewater Treatment plants,the reversed of A/A/O process is been into use. A quantity of excess sludge is produced with the treatment, which will be carried out after sludge-thickened and dewatered. The main content include: selecting of the technological designs and designing every single unit (including the settling of the technological process and designing every single unit of the construct building); designing unit about treatment of sludge (including the settling of the technological process and designing every single unit of the construct building); arranging plane and elevation about the wastewater Treatment plants (including the drawing of the plane figure and elevation figure which about wastewater Treatment construct build and subsidiary construct build). KEY WORDS: wastewater Treatment, reversed A/A/O process, construct building, design, engineering 第2 页 青岛理工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸 目录 前 言.............................................


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