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边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的。(against) Using a cell phone while driving is against the traffic rules. 你有没有考虑过这套房子是否值得花去你所有的积蓄呢?(worth) Have you ever considered whether the flat is worth all your savings? Mary对甜食投有抵抗力,所以她的减肥计划总是以失败告终。(resistance) Mary has no resistance to sweet food, so her plans to lose weight always end up in failure. 这家工厂今年的产量降低了40%,所以老板决定关闭它。(reduce) The production in this factory is reduced by 40% this year, so the boss has decided to close it down. 在他看来,同龄人的意见比父母的更重要。(peers) In his opinion, the advice from his peers is more important than his parents. 他总是怨天尤人,这让他最终一事无成。(complain) He is always complaining, which makes him achieve nothing eventually. 他是个公认的好孩子,所以我认为他不可能破坏公物。(unlikely) He is known as a good child, so I think he is unlikely to damage public property/ it is /was unlikely that he has damaged/ damaged public property. 要求学生穿校服可以促进安全和纪律。(promote) It can promote safety and discipline to require students to wear school uniforms./ Requiring …can promote… 工人们要求减少工作量并增加工资。(decrease) The workers asked /demanded to decrease the amount of work and increase/ raise their salary. 警方怀疑这起谋杀案和上周发生的那起抢劫案有关联。(linked) The police suspected that the murder was linked to the robbery which happened last week. 说实话,欺骗他人违背了我的原则。(go against) To be honest, cheating others goes against my principle. 自从引进新技术后,工人的工作效率就大大提高了。(introduce) Since the new technology was introduced, the working efficiency of the workers has improved greatly. 结果证明这项任务比预想的要困难得多。(prove) The task proved to be more difficult than expected. 如果你总是看翻译作品,你就不能欣赏到外国文学的精髓(essence).(appreciate) If you keep on reading/ always read translated works, you wont be able to appreciate the essence of foreign literature. 人类是自然的一部分。基于这一点,我们有责任保护自然。(for this reason) Human beings are part of nature, and for this reason, we have the responsibility to protect nature. * *


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