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Only the Essentials!
A clear, compact overview of the essential products in the MB Building Kit System.
item Industry Automation
Technology (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.
江二路 289 号
No.289 Zhujiang 2 Road Jimo Qingdao, China
Postal Code: 266200
2 680 223 30
2 680 223 38
Phone: +86 - 532 680 223 30
+86 - 532 680 223 38
2 680 223 36
Fax: +86 - 532 680 223 36
Profiles | Fasteners | Floor elements | Handles locks | Panel elements | Installation elements | Dynamic elements
型材 | 紧固件 | 地板元件 | 手柄和锁 | 面板元件 | 安装元件 | 动态元件
The MB Building Kit System – the essentials.
Growing requirements demand new ideas. 新理念方能适应日益增长的需求。
Systematic ideas: The item MB Building Kit System is a universal profile 系统化的理念:item MB Building Kit 系统是通用化型材系统,
system made up of modular components that can be used in a virtually 由模块化的组件制成,能用在几乎毫无限制的组合范围。
unlimited range of combinations. With standardised basic elements, 通过将标准化的基本元件、相应的紧固技术和功能元件用
the corresponding fastening technology and functional elements for all 于所有工业领域,这种 MB Building Kit 系统设立了行业新标
sectors of industry, the MB Building Kit System sets new standards. 准。
The diverse range of combination options also enables users to 丰富多样的可选件组合使用户能够生产完全量身订制的解
produce fully customised solutions. But this versatility doesn’t stop 决方案。但是这种多样性并不会因已建成的结构而停止不
once a construction has been built. Indeed, all structures built using 前。实际上,所有使用这种系统建造的结构随后都能快速
this system can be subsequently modified or reconfigured quickly and 而便捷地进行修改或重新搭建——腾出您的时间、人员和机
conveniently – freeing up time, personnel and machinery. 器。
For a product to really stand out it has to be highly functional and 产品要想真正地脱颖而出,就必须拥有高度的功能性和堪
feature an exemplary design. Here at item, both come as standard. 称典范的设计。item 在这两方面都已达到标准。从概念阶段
Our company focuses on the very highest benchmarks in design right 开始,我们公司就采用极高的设计基准,并且密切关注每
from the concept phase and looks closely at each individual element 个单独元件以及它如何与现有的组件相互作用。item 生产高
and how it will interact with existing components. item produce
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