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篇一:鸣沙山英语导游词mingsha sand mingha sand dunes and crescent moon spring in dunhuang mingha sand dunes and crescent moon spring in dunhuang is one of the 40 top national natural scenery zones of china, also known as the national aaaa tourist scenic zone. mingsha sand dunes, situated 6 km southwest away from dunhuang town, is stretching for more than 40 kms long and more than 20 kms wide. according to the historical recording such as “the book of later han dynasty”, the reputation of mingha sand dunes and crescent moon spring in dunhuang could be traced back to about 2 thousand years ago, when it had been regarded as a spectacular sight in tenggeli desert. crescent moon spring lies in the arm of the dunes at the foot of mingsha hills, extending for 118m from west to the east but only 25m from south to the north. as it looks very much like a new moon hence it is named crescent spring. despite being surrounded by the sand hills, the spring has never been covered by quick sands and kept clear perennially. featuring the quite pretty scenes, it neither overflows after rain nor drys up after drought. it is really a wonder that the sands and spring lake coexist together for thousands of years. 篇二:导游词 莫高窟导游词 各位朋友: 你们好。现在我带大家去参观举世闻名的佛教艺术宝库--敦煌莫高窟。 莫高窟离敦煌市区东南25公里处,我用这段时间,就莫高窟先做一点简 单的介绍。 敦煌莫高窟和洛阳龙门石窟、大同的云冈石窟并称为中国三大石窟。莫 高窟的开凿比龙门石窟早128年、比云冈石窟早94年。莫高窟以它创建 年代之久。建筑规模之大、壁画数量之多、塑像造型之多、保存之完 整,其艺术价值之博大精深而闻名天下,享誉国内外。一年中游客接踵 而来,络绎不绝,对促进文化交流,传播学说,弘扬民族艺术,进行爱 国主义教育


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