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References 《进出口贸易实务教程》 吴百福主编 上海人民出版社2002版 《国际贸易实务》,程怀儒主编,人民教育出版社。 《国际贸易双解词典—全球贸易手册》爱德华.G.辛克尔曼著世界科学出版社2002版 《国际贸易实务》(英文版), 帅建林, 西南财经大学出版社 2005年3月第三版 外贸人才的素质  基本素质 品德素养:利己\利人\利社会 表达能力:分析能力和说服能力---认识社会深度 协调能力:团队精神、领导能力等  专业能力 职技生:具体操作(外销员\单证员\报关员) 本科生:专业素质(儒商) 研究生:基础研究能力 外贸人员的知识结构 不同的跨国经营阶段 不同的国际化战略 对外贸人才的素质要求也不同! 国际贸易实务课程的实用性 国际贸易实务知识的应用领域: 国有、民营、外资、合资企业的进出口业务 银行的国际结算、国际信贷 政府外经外贸管理工作 外贸个体户 国际经济和贸易的理论研究工作 课程综合结构设计图 国际货物买卖活动中的合同种类 与国内供货方订立 购货合同(供货合同); 与承运方订立运输合同(国内运输和国际运输) 与保险公司订立货物运输保险合同; 与银行订立 托收货款或支付货款的国际结算合同; 与国外商人订立 国际货物买卖合同 The laws are applicable to international sales contracts ◆International Trade Practice ☆International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms《国际贸易术语解释通则》 ☆Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit《跟单信用证统一惯例》 ◆International Treaty Unite Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods《联合国国际货物销售合同 公约》 ◆Domestic Laws Contract law《中华人民共和国合同法》 Name of commodity Generally, this clause is relatively simple, we always list the names that in the offer or counter-offer under the article of Name of Commodity. And sometimes we only write several sentences showing the two parties’ agreement on the business of some commodity at the beginning of a contract. Quality In the quality clause we should clearly list the name and detailed qualities of commodities. As commodities are various, the ways showing their qualities are not the same. So the terms of quality must be fit for the characteristics of commodities. Quantity The quantity clause mainly includes the quantity and unit of commodity. To facilitate the performance of contract and avoid disputes, the quantity clause should be clear and detailed. In addition , it is improper to use those uncertain words like about 、 circa、approximate to define the quantity. Packing material The packing for sea need firm T



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