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实用标准文档 摘要 赣南以种植脐橙闻名于世, 这里种植出来的脐橙味道鲜美, 让人赞不绝口。 该地 方从上世纪七十年代就开始种植脐橙, 但是脐橙种植的道路却并非一帆风顺, 仅仅几 十年的时间, 赣南脐橙就经历了一个由兴起到发展再衰弱的过程。 但是从赣南脐橙短 短二三十年的种植历史中, 我们很也容易得出脐橙是真正适合赣南种植的农作物这样 的结论。赣南适合种植脐橙, 这里得天独厚的地理环境和气候条件为脐橙的种植提供 了先天条件,而已经打出去的“赣南脐橙”的品牌也为脐橙的销售提供了更广阔、稳 定的市场。 不过我们就现在观察到的脐橙种植的现状, 其实并不是人们表面上看到的 那么乐观, 至今在赣南脐橙的种植道路上已经暴露出了很多的亟待解决的问题, 比如 种植脐橙带来的环境污染, 比如脐橙黄龙病的爆发对脐橙种植形成了很大的障碍等等。 如何才能使赣南脐橙的种植走上一条更为长远的、 可持续的道路, 如何让赣南脐橙的 种植长兴不衰, 这已经是许多心系赣南, 期望赣南真正发展起来的人的共同心声和话 题。 关键字 :赣南脐橙、兴衰、持续发展 文案大全 实用标准文档 Abstract Gannan is famous for the planting of navel oranges, which tastes particularly delicious. This place has been planting navel oranges since 1970s, but the way of cultivation was not smooth at all. Within decades, Gannan navel oranges has experienced a process from rise to the development and weak. But just from several decades of Gannan navel oranges ’ cultivation history, we are very easy to draw conclusion that the navel orange is true for Gannan to plant. Gannan is suitable to growing navel orange, this unique geographical environment and climate conditions for navel orange planting provides the innate condition. And the brand ofgannan navel oranges which has been playing out could provide a broad and stable market for navel orange. But now what we have observed about the status quo of navel orange planting are actually not so optimistic as people see on the surface. The growing road of Gannan navel oranges has been exposed a lot of problems t


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