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中小型外资企业考勤与休假管理规定(双语版) 第七部分:工作时间,休假和考勤 Section 7: Working Hours, Leave, Attendance Timekeeping 7.1 工作时间 7.1 Working hours 工作时间将根据员工所在的当地分公司的制度来确定,可以是下列时间安排之一: Working hours are specified by your local office, they fall under one of the following categories:- 上班时间为 9:00-18:00,午休时间为12:00-13:00 Working time 9:00–18:00; lunch break 12:00– 13:00. 或者or 8:00 – 18:00 午休时间 12:00 – 14:00 8:00 – 18:00; lunch break 12:00 – 14:00 或者Or 8:30 – 18:00 午休时间 12:00 – 13:30 8.30 – 18:00; lunch break 12:00 – 13:30 上、下班均需本人准时打卡 All employees are required to use the finger print scanning machine or their swipe card when they arrive and leave work. 如员工因打卡机损坏、停电、忘带门卡等原因无法打卡,则应及时按要求填写《未打卡说明》并经其主管领导签字批准; When an employee is unable to use the attendance tracking devices due to machine fault, power outages, absence of the entrance card or other reasons, he/she is required to fill out the Non-Attendance Form” and have it signed by his/her supervisor. 到达公司的时间晚于公司规定时间的行为,视为迟到。18:00以前的下班打卡记录视为早退。员工需要就迟到和早退向公司提供说明。 Arriving to work after the official local office start time is considered to be arriving late, leaving work before 18:00 is considered leaving work ahead of time. You must provide an explanation as to why you are late or leaving work early 在未事先请假的情况下,晚于11点至公司上班,将视作旷工半天;晚于15:00至公司上班,视作旷工一天; Arriving to work after 11:00, without prior leave application, is deemed absent for half day; and arriving to work after 15:00 is deemed absent for one day. 违反公司考勤制度的员工,将依照公司的规章制度予以处分。 Any violator of attendance system is subject to punishments according to the Company Policy. 7.2 请假流程 7.2 Notification Procedure for Non Attendance 员工需要出差,他(她)应填写《公出及出差申请表》,根据需要及时由其主管领导审批。如果这次出差不能事先得到批准,应在出差返回后 1 个工作日内完成审批程序。 When an employee is required to attend a business trip, he/she should fill out the relevant “Travel Approval Form” in a timely manner as required and have it signed by his/her supervisor before taking the trip. If the trip cannot get approved beforehand, the approval procedure should be completed withi



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