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转译法 ;由于英语和汉语在句子结构和表达习惯上的不同,机械地把英语的某一词类译成汉语的同一词类,把英语的某一成分,译成汉语的同一成分,显然是不行的(反之亦然),有时需要转换一下。这种做法,翻译界把它称为“转换译法”或简称“转译法”。转译法大量体现在词类转译和成分转译上。;词类转换译法 Conversion of Words;;二、 名词可转译成动词 ①?含有动作意味的名词 (在记叙、描写文体中出现较多) 往往可以转译成动词。 Every morning she would go to the lake area for a walk. 每天早上,她都要到湖区去散步。 The operation of a computer needs some knowledge of English. 操作电脑需要一些英文知识。 The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。 ; He turned talkative at the mention of tea. 一提到茶,他的话就多起来。 She jumped up for joy at the news of her husband’s return. 听到丈夫要回来这个好消息,她高兴地跳了起来。 Admission to the university is by examination and selection. Girls are admitted on equal terms with boys. 进大学要考试,择优录取。女生入学条件与男生一样。 ;②带er或or的名词,如teacher, thinker等,有时在句中并不指其身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意味。在汉语中没有恰当的对应名词时,往往可以转译为动词。 The old man was the forgiver of the young man’s past wrong doings. 老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的坏事。 The pupil is a good writer. 这个小学生文章写得不错。 I am afraid I cant teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I. 我怕教不了你游泳。我想我的小弟弟比我教得好。 She is such a trouble-maker that no one likes to be in the same team with her. 她总是制造麻烦,所以没有人愿意和她一组。;③由动词派生的名词可转译成动词(政论文体中较常出现) Speakers called for the liberation of the oppressed of the world. 发言人号召解放世界上的被压迫者。 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经被用来探索宇宙。 The mastery of a foreign language is difficult and requires painstaking effort. 要学好一门外语是不容易的,非下苦功夫不可。 ;④作为习语主体的名词往往可以转译成动词 They took a final look at Iron Mike, still intact in the darkness. 他们最后看了铁拳麦克一眼——依旧安然无恙地耸立在黑暗中。 As Beijing becomes increasingly congested and polluted, there has a growing realization that action is needed to tackle these problems. 随着北京变得越来越拥挤,污染问题日益严重,人们更加意识到需要采取行动来解决这些问题。 ;With the improvement of the living standard, now people attach great importance to health. 随着生活水平的提高,人们现在很重视健康。 Before China’s entry into WTO, there were fears that China would have to make too much concession. 在中国加入世贸组织之前,人们担心中国要做出过多的让步。 ;三、名词转


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