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Key sentences She is a pretty girl with… She looks like… She likes/ enjoys/ is interested in/ is fond of… She is good at/ does well in… She is …and ready to help others. She starts doing…at the age of… Sth. comes to my mind. She used to … It is …that makes me moved. Every time when I think of…I can’t help doing. 标题字体为:方正古隶简体 教程在最后一页哦。 * --记叙文(写人篇) 中考作文指导 2021年必威体育精装版《中考备战》 以“A person I will never forget”为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。 要求如下: 1.短文内容应包括人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘之处。 2. 短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。 中考题展示 写作 解题步骤: Read Think Write Check 1、Read 2、Think 3、Write 4、Check 文体 要点 词汇 时态 人称 句型 过渡语 格式 词数 拼写 写人常用句型 外貌:She’s … (with …). She is …and… She has …. She is of…. She looks… 性格:She’s …(but she is…) She always/never… 爱好 (When she is free,) She likes…(doing/ to do) Her hobby is…(doing) She is good at…(doing), she always … 难忘之处 help strict 外貌 She is a pretty woman with long straight hair. She is short and a little bit heavy. She has short curly hair. She is of medium build/height. She looks young/old. He’s a tall man with thick glasses. He has blond hair. He is short/ tall/fat/thin.) . What does she look like? 梳着盘头 She wears hair in a bun. 水汪汪的眼睛 liquid eyes/ 会说话的眼睛 expressive eyes 四方脸 square face 樱桃小嘴 cherry lips 红润的嘴唇 ruddy lips/ full lips 高鼻梁 high nose 浓眉毛 bushy/heavy/thick eyebrows 长睫毛 long eyelashes 体态优雅 graceful/ 身材苗条 slender What does she look like? 皮肤白皙 She has a fair complexion. (一头)长长的直发 (a head of) long straight hair, 圆核脸 round face 明亮的眼睛 bright eyes/ 樱桃小嘴 cherry lips 丰润的嘴唇 full lips/ 高鼻梁 high nose 秀眉 shapely/slender eyebrows 长睫毛 long eyelashes 身材苗条 slender 中等身材 medium height 她留着两条辫子She wears her hair (braided) in long pigtails. 丹凤眼 phoenix eye/ Single-edged eyelid 四方脸 square face 丰润的嘴唇 full lips 高颧骨 high cheek bones 淡眉毛 thin eyebrows 体态优雅 graceful/ 身材高挑苗条 pretty tall and slim What does she look like? 他身材适中,有古铜色肌肤。 He is medium-built, with a permanent tan. 寸头 short spiky hair 浓眉大眼 have/with big eyes and bushy eyebrows



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