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* 1978年,我以当时比较好的成绩考上了研究生,同年又考上了出国研究生。 I were admitted as a postgraduate in 1978, because I had a good performance in the examination. And the same year I had an opportunity to go abroad to pursue my graduate study. 1979年10月去英国,第一次看到国外的情况,对比自己的国家,我心里比较难受。我觉得有责任为建设自己的国家出一份力。 When I arrived in the UK in october 1979 and first saw the foreign condition , I was very upset because of the gap between the foreign condition and my own country. And it occurred to me that I should take responsibility to make contribution to my countrys construction. 我是一个工农兵大学生,对能否做出一片博士论文心里没底。 As a undergraduate from worker-farmer-soldier group, I had no confidence to write a doctoral thesis. 有了研究方向,我便一头扎进图书馆,一呆就是两个月,收集有关的学习文献资料。我吃饭和休息尽可能简化,每天实际工作十四五个小时。 Once the research direction was set, I became totally immersed in the library for two months to collect the related documentation. In fact, I spend 14 or 15 hours on the work by shortening the eating and sleepling hours every day. 有一年圣诞节前夜,导师格雷教授路过学校看到实验室还亮着灯,第二天对我说,你连昨晚都在工作,使我们非常惭愧。 When Professor Gray, my tutor, went past our school on a Christmas Eve, the light in the laboratory still was burning. He was surprised and said to me the next day that the fact that you keep on working even last night made us ashamed. 在英国,我多次参加国际学术会议,我的博士论文被校方评为1982--1983年度最佳物理学博士论文奖。 I attened international academic conference many times in the UK. In addition, my doctoral thesis was elected as the Best Physics Doctoral Dissertation by the university *


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