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Case Study of Fujian, China by Hideki Morooka, Zai Liang Key words: International migration Mainly rural young males Children aged 6 — 15 years old School enrollment status Gender differences Background: Derived from Mexican example(KM2002): Impact on children positive VS negative What about left behind children in China? Why Fujian? Geographic location No.1 emigrant-sending provinces in China Dramatic increase since 1980s (policy) “The snakeheads ”(蛇头) Uniqueness—large number of married male emigrants Hypotheses To examine the impact of international migration on school enrollment of left behind children in Fujian, China Sample, Data, Variables Method: groups( emigrants non-emigrants, enrolled not enrolled) multiple logistic regression analysis 多元逻辑回归分析 Results 4 Logistic regression models 逻辑回归模型 Conclusions: International migration has a positive way on school enrollment. Children of emigrant are more likely to be enrolled Reducing gender gap Future research Including other aspects : school transcripts, interviews with teachers and peer students, measures of psychological development * discouraged from furthering education in home countries releasing children from obligatory labor, improving health and independence inducing envy and harm, emotional and behavioral problems enhancing positive educational outcomes, reducing gender differences relying heavily on remittances (汇款), not spending on education avoiding poverty, enriching financial resource, improving upward mobility Negative impact Positive impact In the case of Fujian, is it positive or negative? Dramatic increase + the unique type makes Fujian “Ideal”! Sample: children aged 6 to 15 Total— 40,777 of emigrants —270 (246 —enrolled) Data: the Fujian portion of the 1995 China 1% Population Sample Survey enrolled Dependent variables:


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