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实战练习:BEC高级考试模拟试题(1) 商务英语练习题: Reading 1 hour PART ONE Questions 1 8 Look at the sentences below and at the five managers comments on leadership on the opposite page Which new item (A, B, C ,D or E) dose each statement 1 8 refer to ? For each statement ! 8 , make one letter(A, B, C ,D or E) on your Answer Sheet . You will need to use some of these letters more than once . 1、Successful leadership involves making sure that employees accept new ideas. 2、A good leader can bring success to a company in difficulties 3、Leaders should be assessed on the basis of their achievements 4、The personalities of good leaders are generally different from those of other managers 5、Patience is a valuable quality in a successful leader 6、Leaders consider potential changes in what their company does for others 7、Good leaders will encourage their staff if their organization is in difficulties 8、Leaders need to adapt their behaviour to suit different circumstances 9、 A Maurizio Verna Long-term, visionary business leaders must be prepared to invest to get what they want for their company. They know when and how to apply pressure and to take risks, when they need to display a more hands-off approach. I have a pretty clear view of my ideal business leader, and of course that s where I m trying to head: he or she should start up and grow a cash-rich, multi-interest international organization of tremendous strength and depth. B Sue Tucker The pace of technological change, and the rate at which businesses are changing , requires leaders to have a particular aptitude for technology and an understanding of the internet. A lot of people are aware of the opportunities here ,but awareness alone isn t enough: in a true leader this needs to be coupled with clever marketing, product design and technological innovation, and keeping abreast of everything going on in the company. In fact the acid test , I think , is being able to use all of these skills to turn around a failing company. C Carol Godfrey Eff


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