担保人保证书 - admissionscn.doc

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Application Form for International Students 编号: Please send the form to lixin@admissions.cn 护照用名/ Name in your passport 姓/Family name 中文名/ Chinese name 照 片 /Photo 名/Given name 出生日期/ Date of birth 年 月 日 /Year /Month /Date 男 /□Male 女 /□Female 国籍/ Nationality 出生地点/ Place of birth 宗教/ Religion 婚姻状况/ Marital status 最后学历/Highest academic degree 母语 / Native language 毕业院校/Institution where you obtained the degree 专业/Your major 目前所在学校或机构/ Employer or institution affiliated 职业及职务/Occupation and position 护照号码/ Passport number 有效期限/Valid until ____ 年___ 月__ 日 居留许可号码/ Resident permit number 有效期限/Valid until ____ 年___ 月__ 日 来华日期/ Date of arrival in China 到校日期/ Date of arrival in campus 国外通信地址、电话、传真、邮箱及联系人/Address, Tel, Fax, E-mail and contact person in your home country: 紧急情况下联系人姓名及电话/ Contact person and his or her Tel in any emergency: 个人电子信箱、目前地址、电话/Personal E-mail, current address and Tel in china 申请学习专业/ Field of study 学习时间/ Duration of study 从From_____年/Year _月/Month______日/Date到/to______年/Year 月/Month_____日/Date 汉语水平(请自评)/ Chinese level (Please evaluate by yourself) 本人简历(从高中开始)/Curriculum vitae(Starting from high school) 单位/ 时间(年月——年月)/ 职务/ Previous and current education employer Years attended (from/to) Position 家庭主要成员Family members 姓名/ Name 关系/ Relation 职业/Occupation 电话和传真/ Tel Fax 推荐单位和电话Reference Tel 经济来源 Source of funding 口奖学金Scholarship 口自费Self-supporting 口其他Others 经济担保人或机构Financial support will be provided by: 申请人保证:I hereby affirm that: (1)上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的/All the information I provided above is true and correct (2)在校学习期间遵守中国政府的法规和学校的规章和制度/I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese government and the regulations of Kunming University of Science and Technology 日期/Date 申请人签字/Applicant’s signature____________________ 学历申请人在递送本申


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