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中国地质大学长城学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题目 网上书城 ——前台管理 2010年 5 网上书城 ——前台管理 摘 要 在信息越来越重要的时代,精彩的网络在悄悄改变着人们的工作和生活理念——网上购物。不用及交通,不用到书店翻阅,即可看到全国各地的书籍价格,更加全面地有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站自己喜欢的书籍,需要的书籍。这种方便,快捷,花费少的择业新方式,就是浏览网上书店。网上书店作为小型的B2C网站,与显示书店相比,具有速度快,容量大,费用少,使用方便等优势。比如,可以坐在家中浏览全国各地的书籍报价,省去了到街上及交通的烦恼等。并且网上书店不受时空的限制,可以广纳全国各地的书籍信息,促成轻松购物,满意购物。另外,网上书店还可省下一笔可观的店面租赁费,促销人员开支等。对顾客来说既得到了实惠,又节省了奔波的时间。正是基于以上原因,本设计将为广大的爱书者提供一个更加方便购物场合平台,达到让购书者能随时掌握书籍的必威体育精装版动向,从而使得购书者能在第一时间了解新书的信息。 本设计(基于ASP技术的“网上书店”的设计与实现)使用了当前比较流行的网页编辑语言ASP来编写实现前台后台的功能实现,同时使用到Access数据库来实现数据的保存功能,大大提高了购书者有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站书籍的效率。 关键词:ASP Access 网上书店 ABSTRACT In the information age more and more important, exciting in the network quietly changing the peoples work and life philosophy--online shopping. And do not have transportation, do not have to read the book, you can see the prices of books across the country, a more comprehensive search your favorite books, books in need. This convenient, fast, inexpensive way for a new career ,which is on the online bookstore. The online bookstore is also a small B2C websites. Online bookstores and bookstores showed that compared with the speed and capacity, low cost, easy to use, and other advantages .To eliminate the need for street and traffic troubles, and so on. And from the online bookstore temporal and spatial constraints, can take the books across the country .In addition, the online bookstore can save a substantial amount of store rental fees, marketing expenses, and other staff. For customers of both benefit and savings of time travel. It is for that reason, which decided to do an on-line bookstore, for the majority of those who love books to provide a more convenient forum shopping platform to allow buyers to keep abreast of the latest trends in books, so that buyers in the first All of a sudden understanding of the new book. This graduation


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