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摘 要 随着国家各种建筑工程法律、法规的出台以及主管部门监管力度的加大。在建筑施工安全方面有了很大提高。但建筑工程企业的施工大多说是露天高空作业,而且现场情况多变,又是多工种的立体交叉作业,劳动条件差以及从业人员的构成不确定性,使建筑行业成为一个高风险行业。施工事故带来的后果是有目共睹的,施工事故带来的人员伤亡和损失时不可逆转的。这就要求建筑行业加强安全管理。认真探讨并研究行之有效的安全管理方法,达到遏制施工现场安全事故的发生,减少人员伤亡、施工企业是安全管理的主体,施工人员就是被管理的对象,安全管理的目标就是加强施工人员的安全防护意识。本论文从目前安全事故多发的外脚手架、施工机械以及临时用电等方面对施工现场安全管理的内容提出一些看法。 相对于落地式钢管脚手架,悬挑式脚手架具有投入低、周转快、节约工期等优点。脚手架施工方案是否完整、合理、可靠,是否能正确指导施工人员制作、安装、搭设悬挑脚手架,是确保架体安全的重要因素之一。随着人们生活水平的日益提高,人们对自己生活起居的住所要求同样也在提高。住房自古以来就是人们生活不可或缺的一部分,一套住房代表着一个人的生活水平,同样代表着一个人的地位。工程质量关系到国计民生,工程质量及安全控制与管理贯穿于整个施工工程。安全第一是施工的第一要务,生命重于泰山。论文中对若干发现的问题进行了详细的阐述。 关键词:安全 施工 安全管理 脚手架 Abstract As countries all kinds of architectural engineering laws and regulations of the competent department issued and supervision of the increase. In the construction security has been improved a lot. But the building project of construction enterprise is mostly outdoor aloft working, and the site condition and changeable, and many kinds of interchanges homework, labor conditions poor and practitioners, the composition of the uncertainty and the construction industry as a high-risk industries. The consequences of construction accident is obvious, construction accident brings the casualties and losses irreversible. This requires the building industry to strengthen the safety management. Probe into the effective safety management and research methods, to curb the on-site safety accidents and reduce casualties, construction enterprise is the main body of the safety management, construction workers is the object of management, security management goal is to strengthen the construction of the safety of the persons protection consciousness. This paper from the current safety accident outside of the multiple scaffold, construction machines and temporary electricity utilization of the on-site safety put forward some views on the content of the management. Relative to the console steel tube scaffold, overhung type with input and low, scaffold quick save time, etc. The scaffold


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