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毕业设计 [论文] 题目:鹿鸣中心林场改扩建工程 K15+000 至K18+000段施工图设计 学院:土木工程学院 专业:土木工程 姓名: 学号: 指导老师:罗从双 完成时间:2013年05月29日 摘要 本设计是低山丘陵区二级公路方案初步设计。该毕业设计的课题设计研究,是在完成了四年的大学基础课程以及专业课程后所进行的一次综合性设计,是对大学四年所学知识的一次大检验与综合运用。本设计分为几个部分进行,其中包括了公路设计中的各种既基本又十分重要的环节,例如平面设计、纵断面设计、横断面设计、路基路面设计、支挡防护工程设计等。平面设计中路线的确定所用的是纸上选线定线,把公路路线最终在地形图上确定下来之后,对公路平面设计中的各种要素进行了计算。纵断面设计中重点是计算竖曲线的各种要素,纵断面设计把公路设计各个计算桩号的地面高程和设计高程设计出来,得到计算里程桩的路基填挖高度,进而计算得到路基的土石方量,填写路基土石方量表。横断面设计确定了公路的路幅以及各种设施的布置位置。路基设计确定了路基的横向坡度以及路堤路堑路基的边坡稳定处理,其中也对路基和路面的防水排水设计进行了设计。支挡防护工程设计所进行了的是重力式挡土墙设计,路面的设计进行了刚性路面设计。本设计的完成可以让大学毕业生具备作为一名道路工程师所必备的基本素质和基本技能,设计中用到了计算机辅助设计这一较新的技术,设计的最终成果给出了设计中各部分的内容的相关表格和图纸。 关键词:平面设计纵断面设计横断面设计路基路面设计 Abstract This design is the low mountainous and hilly area road plan preliminary design. A comprehensive design which this graduation projects topic design research, is after having completed four year university core curriculum as well as special course carries on, is studies the knowledge to a university four year institute a big examination and the synthesis utilization. This design divides into several parts to carry on, including in secondary roads design each kinds both basic and the very important link, for example the plane design, the longitudinal section design, the cross section design, the roadbed pavement design, keep off protection engineering design and so on. In what the plane design routes determination uses is on the paper the route selection siting, the highway route finally determines after the topographic diagram, to road plane designs each kind of essential factor has carried on the computation. In the longitudinal section design lights a candle the computation vertical curve again each kind of essential factor, the longitudinal section design designs the highway design each computation station number ground elevation and the design elevation, obtains the computation course pile roadbed to fill in digs the altitude, then the computation obtains the roadbed cubic meter of earth and stone quantity, the filling in r


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