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to 考纲知识预览 1 .梦见,梦想 2 .大约 3 .用现金,有现钱 4 .戏弄 5 .打碎,分裂,解体 6 .认真对待 7 .坚持 dream of or so in cash play jokes on break up be serious about stick to 翻译词组 8 .想出,想到 9 .偶然 10 .分类,整理, 11 .认为有 ( 重要性,意义 ) ,附上,连接 12 .最重要,首先 13 .对 …… 有信心 come up with by chance sort out attach...to above all be confident of/about 14 .说实在的,实话说 15 .向 …… 表演 to be honest give/put on a performance to 名师一线讲坛 1. pretend v .假装 pretend sth./ to be . 假装成 …… pretend to do sth. 假装做 …… pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做 …… pretend to have done sth. 假装已经 做 …… pretend + that 从句 装作 …… ,假装 …… 翻译下列小片段 因为 Tom 没有复习功课,所以当老师测验时他假 装头疼。考试中他假装正在承受头疼的折磨。一小 时之后,当考试结束时,他假装已经好了。 As Tom didnt go over the lessons , he pretended a headache when the teacher was going to give a quiz. He pretended to be suffering great pain during the quiz. An hour later , when the quiz was finished , he pretended to have recovered. (1)He ______________________yesterday. 昨天他假装头疼。 (2)We mustnt _________________ what we dont know. 我们不应不懂装懂。 (3)He ______________________ when he met a bear. 当他遇到熊时就装死。 (4)She pretended ___ me when I passed by. A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen (5)The cheat pretended that he___ it. A. would know B. was to know C. knew D. has known pretended a headache pretend to know pretended to be dead attached adj. 依恋的,留恋的 attachment n. [C] 附件 [C , U] 依恋 眷恋 深爱 attach sth. to sth. 把某物系到某物上 attach yourself to sb./sth. 参加,和 … 在一起 attach to sb./sth. 与 … 有联系,与 … 有关联 be attached to sb./sth. 依恋,留恋 2. attach vt. 系;贴;附加;认为有 ( 重要性等 ) 1)She ________ a cheque __ the order form. 她在订货单上附了一张支票。 2)Dont worry — there are no strings ________. 不用担心 —— 没有附加的条件。 3)She _________________________ the regular exercise. 她对常规训练极为重视。 4)No blame __________ him for the accident. 这次事故的责任与他无关。 5)I am deeply __________ this novel. 我非常喜欢这部小说。 attached to attached attaches great importance to attaches to attached to 名师一线讲坛 3. form n .形状,形态,外形;表格,形 式 v . ( 使 ) 组成;形成;构成;排列 (1)be in/o


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