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recommends? A 5,000,000. B 500,000. C 50,000,000. D 15,000,000. What patients among those who have had a stroke will benefit greatly from taking blood pressure-lowering drugs? A Those whose blood pressure is high. B Those whose blood pressure is average. C Those whose blood pressure is below average. D All of the above. 答:案与题解: 1. c第二段第二句说中风以后存活的病人,五人中有一人在第一次中风后五年内会再次中 风,而且常常是致命的,故选项C所说的20%为正确答案。 D第三段说,服用两种降压药继发中风的危险性可减少到40%;单服一种药,其危险性则 为1/3。可见服用两种药比服用一种药可减少大约7% ,即大约1/14的危险性。 A第二段第一句说非致命的中风常造成病人四肢残废、有语言障碍以及其他严重残疾。选 项B、选项C、选项D就是这个意思(选项D的面部麻痹自然属于严重残疾之一),而选项A 的“习惯性失眠”则不应属于中风的后遗症,故是正确答案。 B第四段第二句说,如果大多数病人有机会进行这样治疗的话,每年就可以避免50万次中 风的发生,故选项B为正确答案。 D倒数第二段最后一句说,血压高低并不重要,只要你得过中风,降低血压就有很大益处, 即使血压正常或低于正常也是如此,故选项D为正确答案。 + 第三十八篇 Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast Cancer Risk Certain abnormalities occurring in problem pregnancies are associated with a long-term reduction in risk of breast cancer, according to a study released on Tuesday that tracked women for four decades. Researchers led by epidemiologist Barbara Cohn of the Public Health Institute in Berkeley, California1,examined records on 3,804 white women in the San Francisco2 area who were pregnant during the period from June 1959 through April 1967. The study found that three anomalies一two relating to the placenta and one involving the women’s blood pressure—were linked with a big decline in breast cancer occurrence. Cohn said changes in the levels of hormones and other substances in the body caused by the abnormalities may produce a protective effect. She also noted that most of the women who experienced the anomalies still gave birth to1 healthy babies. “It’s more subtle than to say what’s bad for the baby is good for the mother.4 It’s really not quite like that.5” Cohn said in a telephone interview. She said she was hopeful that researchers could nail down the exact mechanisms6 at work in providing the long-term cancer protection for the women who experienced these complications. “It’s certainly possible that one might


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