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Learn General Secretary on two to learn a strengthening four Consciousnesses important speech caused a strong reaction in the country.   Time, watching red treasure, the origin of building the party back to power, how to strengthen services for the masses, improve party cohesion, fighting to become the grass-roots party members and masses hot topic. Grass-roots party organizations two is to strengthen the service of party members and cadres, the pioneer spirit. Distribution of grass-roots party organizations in all walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the party organization and comments reputation has a direct perception of the masses.   Strengthen the party ahead of the pedal spirit; strengthen the party members and cadres success does not have to be me and the first to bear hardships, the last to service spirit to set the partys positive image among the people is important. Grass-roots party organizations two is to cleanse all people not happy not to see stereotypes, establish the honest faithful, diligent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the money, corrosion of temptation, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corrupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, is to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhous solution to restore the partys fresh and natural, solid and honest work style.   Cleansing take, eat, card, undesirable and behaviour, cross, hard and cold, push attitude. Grass-roots party organizations two is to strengthen the sense of ordinary party members, participating in consciousness, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of grass-roots party branches less mobile, less resources, and the construction of party organizations have some lag. Two studies, is to focus on the grass-roots party branches loose, soft, loose problem, advance the party members and cadres, a gang working, Hong Kong report.   Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous unqualified pa


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