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2.含有双宾语的句子转换,多将间接宾语改为主语。 I gave the book to Mr. Smith yesterday. 昨天我给了史密斯先生一本书。 3.当动词后有复合宾语,变被动语态时,将宾语变为被动结构中的主语即可,其它不变。 The boss found a cook smoking in the kitchen. A cook was found smoking in the kitchen. 4.“get+done”也可表示被动语态,此结构比较口语化。 The patient got treated once a week. She got married last week. 3.不及物动词和某些短语。happen,last,begin,stop,open,take place, break out,come about,belong to, run out 等. (1)World war Ⅱ broke out in 1937. (2)The shop opens at 6 am every day. 4.在need ,want,require,deserve等词后用动名词的主动形式表示被动含义,也可用不定式的被动形式。 The matter wants looking into. The matter wants to be looked into. 6.不定式在difficult,easy,hard,safe,good,fit,light等形容词之后作状语,且和句子主语有逻辑上的动宾关系时,用主动式表被动义。 The book is easy to understand. The morning air is fresh to breathe. The girl is easy to get along with. 7.不定式作后置定语,与被修饰的名词构成动宾关系,又和该句主语或宾语构成主谓关系,用主动 式表被动义。 She has something to say. I will give him something to drink. 8.某些作表语用的不定式,强调出租,责备,解雇等,此类常用的动词有let,hire ,blame等。 Am I to blame?我该受罚吗? The house is to let.这房屋出租。 9.非谓语动词的被动情况。 The house to be built next year is our lab. The house being built now is our lab. The house built last year is our lab. being done/to be done/done having been done to have been done 高考直击: 1. An exhibition of paintings ____ (hold)at the museum next week. 2. Every possible means ____(try), but none ____ (prove)successful. 3.The question he asked is hard____(answer) 4. By the end of last year, another new gymnasium ____ (complete)in Beijing. 5.More than a dozen students in that school ___ (send)abroad to study medicine last year. 6. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you wouldn’t have time to __(change)before the party. 7. Rainforests __(cut)and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the?future. 8. I feel it is your husband who ______(blame) for the spoiled child. 9.Great changes ______(take place)in the city, and a lot of factories______(set up) in the past few years. 10.The football match


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