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摘要 根据上交所修订后的上市规则,企业财务报表中非经常性损益项目可以作为 企业当期收益的一部分,即企业可以利用非经常性损益项目将公司的财务数据进 行改动,达到利益输送的目的,这也是盈余管理出现的原因之一。 由于中国特有的ST 制度规定,部分上市公司在出现连续两年亏损被 ST 后, 为了避免失去上市资格这一稀缺资源,在正常经营无法实现盈利的情况下便会采 取非常规手段来“摘帽” 。这些企业通常会在亏损第二年进行负向盈余管理,第三 年通过正向盈余管理实现扭亏为盈。随着ST 制度的不断改革,ST 类企业的盈余 管理的具体手段也不断变化,但不论是应计盈余管理、真实盈余管理或是分类转 移盈余管理,企业的盈余管理行为必然会导致其披露的报表数据失真,从而影响 投资者的数据获取和投资决策,对企业自身而言也并不能真正的提升盈利能力。 本文选取ST 船舶于2018 年扭亏脱帽作为一个典型的案例,分析ST 船舶脱 帽前的财务状况及脱帽后的市场反应,并利用Jones 模型确认其在 2017 年夸大 亏损,存在利用应计利润进行利润跨期转移的行为,并通过规范分析法与案例分 析法相结合的方法研究其操纵利润的行为。最后,本文发现中国船舶虽摆脱退市 风险,但其主要依靠应计盈余管理,并非是盈利能力得到了真正的提升。由此引 发对中国现行ST 制度的思考,建议应当完善并规范中国的透视制度,同时建议 加强公司内部治理、完善上市公司的披露制度、加强法制建设,以促进中国证券 市场健康发展。 关键词:特别处理制度;盈余管理;操纵性应计利润; I Abstract According to the revised listing rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the non- recurring profit in the financial statements of an enterprise can be regarded as a part of the current income of the enterprise, that is enterprises can use the non-recurring profit and loss items to change the financial data of the company to achieve the purpose of profit transmission, which is one of the reasons for the emergence of earnings management. Due to the special ST system in China, some listed companies will take unconventional measures to take off the ST hat in order to avoid losing the listing qualification, which is a scarce resource, when their normal operation could not achieve profits. These enterprises usually carry out negative earnings management in the second year of loss, and turn loss into profit in the third year through positive earnings management. With the continuous reform of ST system, the specific means of earnings management of St enterprises are constantly changing. However, whether it is accrual earnings management, real earnings management or classifie


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