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哈尔滨商业大学专业硕士论文 摘 要 各大互联网企业为了在市场中争夺一席之地,展开了强烈的竞争。而提高竞 争力最有效最常用的方法就是并购。虽然2018 年和2019 年这两年全球经济有所 下行,但是互联网并购势头依旧强劲。并购交易量持续保持在一个较高的水平且 并购的金额也大幅增加。值得我们关注的问题是,由于并购双方规模不同,并购 双方公司有不同的运营状况、资金情况、并购过程中会存在大量导致并购失败的 风险。并购会伴随一定的风险,如何最大程度地规避风险,成为并购的重要影响 因素之一。因而需要对并购行为进行全面分析,全方位把握其中的风险,从而促 使并购的风险最低化、收益最大化。达成企业并购的目的。然而,在近期大量的 互联网并购案例中,由于财务风险直接导致并购案件失败也屡屡发生。所以,如 何能有效的降低并购中的财务风险,对互联网企业尤为重要。 本文利用案例分析研究的方法,通过阅读大量的中外文献,研究相关的理论 知识,以当前互联网经济中的互联网企业为研究对象。对企业发生并购时可能出 现的财务风险进行全面评估,并分析风险的多种类型。从风险的来源进行把握, 找到规避风险的合理途径。财务风险会发生在并购的多个环节中。例如并购前估 值偏差导致的风险,融资的支付过程中产生的财务风险,以及财务整合中可能存 在的风险。笔者深入研究阿里巴巴对饿了么的并购案。分析并购财务风险,研究 风险的多种影响,进而找寻规避风险的有效途径。 关键词:互联网企业;并购;并购财务风险 I 哈尔滨商业大学专业硕士论文 Abstract The major Internet enterprises in order to compete for a place in the market, launched a strong competition. The most effective and common way to improve competitiveness is M A.Although the global economy has declined in 2018 and 2019, Internet mergers and acquisitions remain strong. M A trading volume continues to remain at a high level and the amount of M A has increased significantly. The problem that deserves our attention is that because of the different scale of M A, the M A companies have different operating conditions, capital situation, and there will be a large number of risks leading to M A failure in the process of M A. M Awill be accompanied by certain risks, how to avoid to the greatest extent This paper uses the method of case study to study the relevant theoretical knowledge by reading a large number of Chinese and foreign literature, and takes the Internet enterprises in the current Internet economy as the research object. A comprehensive assessment of the financial risks that may occur in the event of mergers and acquisitions, and analysis of the various types of risks. Fro


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