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目录 摘 要 原告是打开行政公益诉讼制度的钥匙,由于我国行政公益诉讼的制度建立时间不长, 目前,在原告主体上仅规定了检察机关有权提起诉讼,原告范围仍被严格限制。随着人 们社会生活不断的发展与进步,虽在一定程度上保证了社会的有序进行,但社会公益却 愈发呈现出范围广,人数多的特点,检察机关无法做到及时有效的发现并阻止公共利益 被侵害,由检察机关作为单一主体提起行政公益诉讼已经开始满足不了现状。英国、美 国、法国、日本等域外国家的行政公益诉讼制度发展较早,理论基本趋于完善,较中国 相比,行政公益诉讼的原告范围更为广泛。因此,通过借鉴域外国家的理论基础与实践 经验,并结合我国法律体系发展现状及行政公益诉讼实施成效,公民个人和社会团体具 有作为行政公益诉讼原告的可行性和必要性,应当以合理的方式将我国行政公益诉讼的 原告范围扩大至公民个人和社会团体,最终形成由检察机关、社会团体和公民个人组成 的三元化主体模式。 关键词:行政公益诉讼;原告范围;公共利益 I 目录 Abstract Plaintiff is the key to open the administrative public interest litigation system. Administrative public interest litigation system in China only stipulates the right of the procuratorial organs to file administrative public interest litigation due to its short time of establishment, resulting in certain limitations of the scope of plaintiff. However, social public welfare is increasingly showing its features of a wide range and a large number of people due tothe continuousdevelopment andprogress ofpeoples social life,making it impossible for the procuratorial organs totimely and effectively detect andprevent the damage ofpublic interests though it guaranteesthe orderly progress ofthe society to some extent.Therefore, asthe single subject of administrative public interest litigation, the procuratorial organs can no longer meet with statusquo.The administrativepublic interest litigation system oftheUnitedKingdom,the United States, France, Japan and other countries developed earlier,making it relatively perfect with a wider scope of plaintiff in comparison with that in China. As a result, the scope of plaintiff in the administrative public interest litigation shall be expanded to the citizens and social organizations in a reasonable way so as to finally form the ternary subject mode compos


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