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国际技术转让合同(2)[适用受让人] 签字日期: 年 月 日 Date of signing: 签字地点: Place of signing: 合同号: Contract No.: 根据世界 银行第 号贷款项下第 号招 标,中国 公司(以下简称“引进方”)为一方,德国 公司 (以下简称“让与人”)为另一方; In accordance with Bid No. under the I. B. R. D. Loan No. , International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import and Export Corporation , Beijing PRC (hereinafter referred to as the Licensee )on the one hand , and Company, Germany( hereinafter referred to as theLicensor )onthe other hand 鉴于让与人拥有设计、制造、装配、安装、测试、检验、调试、运行、维修、管理及销售铁 路 产品的专有技术; Whereas: 鉴于让与人有权并同意向引进方转让上述铁路 产品的专有技术; manufacture , assembly ,Whereas the Licensor has the technical know - how for design installation , test , inspection , adjustment , operation , manufacture , assembly , sale of Railway as required by Licensee; 鉴于引进方希望利用让与人的专有技术设计、制造、维修、销售和岀品铁路 产品的 专有制造技术; Whereas the Licensor has the right and agrees to transfer the above - mentioned technical knowhow to the Licensee for the manufacture of Railway product; 鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及以方所签的另一合同规定的设 备、工具和必要备件以用于铁路 产品的制造; Whereas the Licensee agrees to introduce the Licensors technical know- how for design , manufacture , maintenance , sale and export of the Railway product; 鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所签另一合同规定的一定数 量的部件和零件以用于组装和制造、铁路 产品; Whereas the licensor agrees to supply to the Licensee and the Licensee agrees to obtain from the Licensor a certain amount of parts and components for the assembling and manufacturing of the Railway product under other contract. 双方授权代表通过友好协商,同意就以下条款签定本合同: The authorized representatives of both parties , through friendly negotiations , have agreed to enter into Contract under the terms and conditions as stipulated below; 第一章定义 DEFINITIONS 1.1 “引进方”是指中国 公司。 1.1The Licenseemeans . 2 “让与人”是指德国 公司。 1.2The Licensormeans . 3“合同”是引进方和让与人签署的如合同所述的协议,它包括所有附件,附录以及其所指的所有有关 文件。 1.3The Contractmeans the agreement entered between the Licensee and the Licensor ,as recorded in the Contract signed by both parties including all annexes ,att


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