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国际油品贸易合同样板 Con tract No.: Diesel This Sales and Purchase Con tract ( herein referred to a“Co ntract” ) is en tered into this date of X X,X X , 2008 本购销合同于----年----月----日签署。 Betwee n : BUYER (买家): SELLER (卖方): (herein after referred as “ the Seller” ) Subject to the followi ng terms and con diti ons of this Con tract and for mutual ben efits of the Seller and the Buyer (herein referred to as “Partied” ),the Parties hereby agree to en ter into this Sales and Purchase Con tract. 买卖双方一致同意本合同的各项条款: Article 1 COMMODITY : 产品 Quality and Descriptio n:质量 High Speed Diesel / in accordance with the specifications here to attached as Appe ndix 1 高速轻柴油质量标准符合附件1 Country of Origin: Russia : 原产国:俄罗斯 Article 2-QUANTITY :数量 The first lot of the goods X X Mts shall arrived Port Chi na within 60days after Buyer issu ing the Bank Guara ntee. Total qua ntity: X X Mts(12 shipme nt)shall arrived Shan ghai Port China with in 75days after Buyer issu ing the Bank Guara ntee. 第一批货()万吨在买方开出银行保函后()天内船运到达中国()港口, 总数量()万吨(分12船装运)在买方开出银行保函后()天内到达中国()港口。, Article 3-PRICE : 价格 The price of the products to be delivered under the present Contract is established in United Stated Dollar per metric ton, on basis of CIF destination port. 产品以美元按照 CIF 条款计价。 Price: USD X X (X X US Dollars) per metric tons CIF Shanghai Port China . 价格:每吨( )美金运送到中国( )港口价, Article 4-DELIVERY : 交运 Ports of Loading: Vladivostok, or the other Ports of Russia designated by SELLER 装运港:俄罗斯 海参崴港 或其它卖方指定的俄罗斯港口。 Port of Destination: X X Port China . 目的港:中国( )港口。 Shipping advice: Not later than the five day before the readiness of each shipment. SELLER shall notify BUYER by fax of the following contents : 卖方应在准备装船前 5 天内用传真方式通知买方以下内容: CONTRACT number : 合同号: Date of readiness: 装船日期: Total volume: 总容量: Total weight: 总重量: Package: in bulk: 包装: Loading port in Russia: 装货港: Within two (2) working days after completion of loading of each shipment, SELLER shall inform BUYER by fax of CONTRACT number, the date and the number of Bill of Lading, nam


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