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* 1.动物朋友 2一个…另一个 3大眼睛 4红眼睛 5两个大的身体 6没有腿也没有手臂 7四条腿 8大尾巴 animal friends one …the other two big bodies red eyes big eyes no legs or arms four legs a big tail 9长耳朵 11一条短尾巴 12 黄绿相间 13两个翅膀 14一张大嘴巴 15会说会飞 10一条长尾巴 big ears a long tail two wings yellow and green a short tail a big mouth can talk and fly 看到短语快速说出,看到 , 起立大声说: “boom!” Let’s play animal friends the other big eyes a short tail long ears two wings big body What animals are they ? _____ has two fish. _____ has a dog. _____ has a rabbit. _____ has a parrot. My animal friend is . It has red and long . It has four and a . It can . white eyes ears legs short tail run Story time My animal friend is . It has . It has . It can . yellow and green two legs and two wings a big mouth and a long tail talk and fly Story time Think and write Nancy’s fish have big , and . Mike’s dog has big and a short . Liu Tao’s rabbit has long and a short . Su Hai’s parrot has a big , a long , two legs and two . eyes bodies tails ears tail ears tail mouth tail wings Find the rule by yourself:(找规律) I have big eyes. We have big eyes. You have big eyes. They have big eyes. She has big eyes. He has big eyes. It has big eyes. he, she, it, 某某人 是第三人称单数,简称三单 (三个杀手) 动词have要变成has (必死无疑) I have, we have, you have, they have 复数have. Have, have, have, He has, She has, It has, 某某人has. Has, has, has, 1.I______ a dog. 2.We ______ a TV. 3.You _____ a rabbit. 4.They ______some sweets. 5.Mike and Ben _____a toy bear. have have have have have 复数 1.He______ some apples. 2.She______a parrot. 3.It ____ a long tail. 4.My father ______ a pen. 5.The rabbit _____ red ey


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