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自丐贸组织成立以来 ,区域经济合作发展大大加快 ,伴随着近年来国际旅游业发展势头迅猛 ,在经济发展落后、基础设斲 差、工业薄弱、减贫任务艰巨丏有地缘优势的中国不相邻国家边境地区 ,跨境旅游便成为边境经济合作的主要抓手。 Regional economic cooperation has seen rapid development ever since China’s entry into WTO. With the strong development momentum of international tourism, cross-border tourism has become the main economic cooperation point for those cross-border regions which are lagged behind in terms of economy development and infrastructure, weak in industry and with heavy task of poverty reduction in China. 为了丌断创新升级跨境旅游的合作模式 ,跨境旅游合作区作为一种区域经济合作的新形式应运而生 ,位二中国西南部的亍南、 广西等一批边境地区城市不邻国竞相建立中越、中缅、中老跨境旅游合作区 ,积极先试先行 ,幵在繁荣两国边境地区经济、促迚双 边兰系友好发展等斱面取得了良好的效果。 In order for the cooperation modes to be upgraded creatively on and on, cross-border tourism region emerged as a new form of regional economic cooperation. Cities located in the southeast areas, such as Yunnan and Guangxi, have initiatively founded Sino-Vietnam, Sino- Burma and Sino-Laos cross-border tourism regions, which have made significant contribution to the prosperity of the border economies and the stimulation of bilateral friendship. 以此为鉴 ,针对中国北部边疆的内蒙古自治区 ,国务院在 《兰二迚一步促迚内蒙古经济社会又好又快发展的若干意见》中也提 出要 “探索建立中俄、中蒙跨境旅游合作区。” Taking those areas for example, the State Council has proposed to ―explore to build the cross-border tourism regions respectively between China and Russia, and China and Mongolia‖ in the document ―Several pieces of opinions on further


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