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摘 要 颜文樑是中国近现代著名画家、美术教育家与理论家,著有 《美术用透视》、 《色彩琐谈》、 《颜文樑画集》等出版物。本文主要从颜文樑 1912年至 1928 年的早期水彩作品角度进行研究分析,探究颜文樑水彩画创作题材、作品特色及 对中国水彩画史做出的努力与贡献。 第一章从颜文樑生活时代的角度解读其创作水彩画的背景,并对其水彩作品 的年份、尺寸、款识、钤印及收藏地作了全面的梳理,为下文做好铺垫。第二章 主要讨论了颜文樑水彩画创作的题材,从人物、风景、室内创作入手探究其水彩 作品由稚嫩走向成熟的过程。第三章则着重研究颜文樑水彩画的艺术特色,可知 其作品在描绘真实生活的基础上追求美的表现力,风格细腻而写实;颜文樑善于 揣摩各种物象上的光线,对画面中的和谐色彩的运用进行了科学的探究,均衡的 把握了西方水彩画与东方意蕴的完美结合。第四章得出颜文樑对中国近现代水彩 画的贡献,他不仅是实践者,更是引进者和传播者,对中国近现代水彩画的发展 有着筚路蓝缕之功。 关键词:颜文樑;水彩画;写实主义;个人贡献 I Abstract Yan Wenliang is a famouspainter,art educator and theorist in modern China.He published “perspective of art”,“trivia of color”, “Yan Wenliangspainting album” and so on. This paper mainly studies and analyzes Yan Wenliangs early watercolor paintings from 1912 to 1928, and probes into subject matters, characteristics of his watercolor paintings, and his efforts and contributions to the history of Chinese watercolorpaintings. The first chapter interpretsthebackground ofYanWenliangswatercolor painting from the perspective of his living time, and comprehensively combs the year, size, inscriptions, sealing style and collection location of his watercolor paintings, which pavesthe way for the following.The second chapter mainly discusses subject matters of Yan Wenliangs watercolor paintings, explores the process of his skill from immature to mature from the perspective of persons, landscapes and interior space. The third chapter focuses on the artistic characteristics of Yan Wenliangs watercolor painting, which shows that his works pursue the beauty of expression on the basis of depictingthereal scenery,with delicate andrealistic style.AsYanWenliang isgood at speculating the light on various objects, he has made scientific research on the application of harmonious colors in the painting, and has grasped the perfect combination of Western watercol


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