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Platform Computing 云计算技术与架构前瞻 Presented by: Fubo Zhang Proprietary and Confidential: Platform Computing Corporation 内容提要 Platform Computing ·云计算的市场前景 云计算的现状 云计算的技术、架构发展趋势 Proprietary and Confidential: Platform Computing Corporation 979: CFD Contributions to the 767 专IC □M Some CFD penetrat L CFD penetration opportunity xist for highe anded complexity in design process speed and High-Speed Wing Cab Design nlet Desig ine/Airframe Nacelle Design 2005: CFD Contributions to the 787 专IDC ■ Much CFD penetration ■ Some CFD penetration CFD penetration opportunity Opportunities exist for highet Opportunities exist for large increases in design process speed and Wind nel Corrections High-Speed wing Wing Tip Design Control Failure ertical-Taill and Cabin Air Connexin High-Lift w Analysis Aft Body Design Noise Qua Buffet Design I Cab Desig ECS Inlet Ici Design for FOD- System Inlet Certificat Avionics Cooling Vortex Generator E Flutt Thrust Reverser Pla Wake Vortex Alleviation Reynolds Number Co for Loads and sC APU and Community Noise Fire Suppression Where are we now? G[ 4 MoorE SING We Are Mainstream Here markets Relative ustomers Early Late markets market Ean adopters any majority Late majority Laggards. pragmatists optics technology and performance and conven ence Gartner view of Private Cloud market Platform Computing Private Cloud Computing Definition and Key Attributes th 可升级的 Consumer Results Internet Service-Based Metered By 共享 Technologies Shared Autom Provider 自动化 Private Cloud Computing 弹性计算 IT-enabled capabilities are delivered as a sarige can to internal customers using Internet techno 451 Group view of the cloud Market Platform Computing FIGURE 2: THE FOUR PILLARS OF CLOUD COMPUTING 管理 自动化 Orchestration fusor 安全 Common Ground Natwork Gear: x86 Servers, Mass 存储 Vrtuallzaton sowwae ource: The 451 Group and Jef Rzcgarch Forrester View on Clou


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