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知识点 —— as 引导状语从句 as 引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】 作为连词, as 极其活跃,能引导多种状语从句,本文 拟将这一用法作一归纳。 1 、引导时间状语从句 As you study a globe, you may notice that most of the large land areas are connected, or almost so. ( 高一册,第 267 页 ) As the steam expands, the temperature falls. 当水蒸汽膨胀 时,温度就下降。 Just as I was backing out, my sleeve caught on the corner of a tray of diamonds. ( 高三册,第 225 页 ) as 引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】 2 、引导原因状语从句 As Li Ping was not well, I went there myself. ( 高一册 , 第 96 页 ) As water is a good solvent, pure water is never met with in nature. 因为水是一种很好的溶剂,所以在自然界从未遇见过纯水。 as 引导的原因状语从句也可以采用倒装结构,如: Tired as he was, he want to bed at once. 他因为很累,所以 马上就去睡了。 Michael, fool as he was, completely ruined the dinner. 由于迈克尔的愚蠢,这次宴会全给搅乱了。 as 引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】 Absorbed as he was in a mathematical problem, he did not notice my entering the room. 由于他全神贯注在解一道数学题,所以没有注意到我走进 房间。 But, living as it does in a community of cells, it is not independent at all. ( 高二册,第 336 页 ) Living as we do in a remote village, we have few visitors. 由于我们住在一个偏僻的村子里,所以没有什么来客。 as 引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】 3 、引导让步状语从句,其结构如下: 1 ) adj.+as+ 主语+系动词 be Young as he is, he knows a lot of things. 他年龄不大,可知 道的事情却不少。 Poor as he was, he was honest. 他虽然穷,但很诚实。 Hard as steel is, it will bend or break under the action of a strong force. 钢虽然很硬,但在强力作用下也会弯曲或断裂。 as 引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】 2 ) n.+as+ 主语+系动词 be , … Child as he is, he knows a lot of things. 他虽然是个孩子,可 知道的事情却不少。 King as he is, he is unhappy. 他虽然是国王,但还是不开心。 Expert as he was, he failed. 他虽然是专家 , 但还是失败了。 注意在本句型中,句首的单数可数名词前不用冠词。试比 较下面这个与第一句意义相同的句子: Although he is a child, he knows a lot of things. as 引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】 3 ) adv.+as+ 主语 + 动词, … Much as I like it, I won t buy it. 尽管我很喜欢它,但我却不 买。 Fast as you read, you can t finish the book in two days. 尽管你读得很快,你也不能在两天之内读完这本书。 4 ) v.( 原型 ) + as +主语+助动词, … Try as you may, you will never succeed. 你尽管可以试,但 决不会成功。 as 引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】 4 、引导方式状语从句 The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space, as they do from


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