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学 海 无 涯 PAGE PAGE 1 新疆生产建设兵团军垦博物馆 今天我们将要参观的是新疆生产建设兵团军垦博物馆。 在新疆166万平方公里的土地上,有一座有着“戈壁明珠”、“花园城市”之称的地方,它就是石河子市。 新疆兵团军垦博物馆就坐落在石河子市的中心广场北侧。 新疆的屯垦史,始于西汉,到唐朝达到一个兴盛时期,至清朝达到又一个高峰。而建制最完整、规模最大的屯垦当属新疆和平解放后的新疆生产建设兵团了。军垦博物馆正是为了那些为边疆事业奉献了青春和生命的兵团人而建。 新疆军垦博物馆的前身是石河子军垦博物馆,建于1988年。现在军垦博物馆的建筑面积为9703平方米,共展出实物1000余件,图片900余幅。以实物、图片、史料文字为主,结合多媒体、油画、雕塑,再现了兵团创业发展的全过程,突出了党和政府对兵团事业的支持与关心,展示了兵团人“热爱祖国,艰苦奋斗,无私奉献,开拓奋进”的精神,以及兵团事业所取得的辉煌成就。 新疆兵团军垦博物馆现为全国爱国主义教育基地,全国4A级旅游景区。 现在让我们走进博物馆,感受兵团人的热血青春。 Museum of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Army reclamation (XJ PCC Army reclamation Museum) What we are going to visit today is the Museum of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. There is a place reputed as “A Pearl in Gobi Desert” and “A Garden City” in the land of Xinjiang. She is Shihezi. The XJPCC Army reclamation Museum is right on the north of Shiheze central square The history of Xinjiang reclamation started from West Han Dynasty and went into boom in the Tang Dynasty and came to its peak in the Qin Dynasty. After Xinjiang’s peaceful liberation, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps become the reclamation that is best in organization system and greatest in scale. Army reclamation Museum is built for the people who contributed themselves to the construction and development of Xinjiang. XJPCC Army reclamation Museum originated from Shehezi Army reclamation Museum which was built in 1988. Current construction area of XJPCC Army reclamation Museum is about 9703 square meters and there are about 1000 pieces of objects and 900 pieces of pictures on display in the museum. The display in the museum is mainly in the form of objects, pictures and written history, together with multimedia, oil paints, miniatures and sculptures, reappearing the whole process of development of the XJPCC. The display also demonstrates the support and care given by Communist Party and our government for the construction career of XJPCC, showing the spirit of “hardworking and dedication” and the deep love


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