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摘 要 近年来,由于加快货物流动的贸易便利化措施对于扩大贸易和从全球化中获益至关重要, 因此,贸易便利化越来越受到重视。本文的研究有助于政策制定者理解和探索提高国家出口 能力的新因素和机遇。本文采用了文献分析法、案例分析法和实证研究法研究了贸易便利化 对喀麦隆出口的影响。在理论分析分解的基础上,采用世界银行 2009 年和 2016 年对喀麦隆 725 家企业的调查数据库,从基础设施、边境管理效率和政府机构效率三个层面,使用零膨 胀泊松模型实证分析了贸易便利化对喀麦隆出口的影响。实证结果表明:基础设施、边境管 理效率和政府机构效率对喀麦隆出口都有显著的影响。喀麦隆和很多发展中国家类似,贸易 便利化水平落后,造成贸易成本较高,一定程度上阻碍了出口。因此,喀麦隆应采取旨在改 善基础设施、提高边境管理效率和机构效率的有效贸易便利化措施,以促进出口。 关键词:贸易便利化、出口、喀麦隆。 vii ABSTRACT The concept of trade facilitation is gaining grounds in recent years as measures to expedite the movement of goods is essential in expanding trade and benefit from globalization. This research is significant in that policymakers will understand and explore new factors and opportunities that can improve the export capacity of a country. Literature analysis, observation studies and case study methods are the three major methods used in this study. This work purposes to investigate the impact of selected trade facilitation indicators on exports in Cameroon. By using firm level data of 725 enterprises from the World Bank’s enterprise survey (2009 and 2016), three trade facilitation indices are constructed to analyze the impact of trade facilitation on exports. On the basis of previous empirical studies and related theories, a simple econometric model is formed and a zero inflated poisson estimator is employed to investigate the impact of infrastructure, efficiency of border administration and efficiency of institutions on exports in Cameroon. The study reveals that all selected variables are statistically significant and have a positive impact on exports at a 95% confidence interval. Drawing from t


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