基因组学课件:Understanding The Complexity of Genomes.pptx

基因组学课件:Understanding The Complexity of Genomes.pptx

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Understanding The Complexity of GenomesJun YU BIG, CASThe Power of Mind and Knowledge: 哪一个图是正确的? “Judgment is a utensil proper for all subjects and will have an oar in everything.” – Michel Eyquem de Montaigne? (French, 28 February 1533?– 13 September 1592)判断力是一个万能的工具,放之四海而皆准。基因组学入门科学的目的是解释“To explain a phenomenon is to give an account of its causal history.” PETER LIPTON, INFERENCE TO THE BEST EXPLANATION 30 (2nd ed., 2004).“. . . it is the aim of science to find satisfactory explanations or whatever strikes us as being in need of explanation.” KARL POPPER, OBJECTIVE KNOWLEDGE: AN EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH 191 (rev. ed., 1981).基因组学入门Evidence, Model, and Explanation 基于证据的解释基于模型和理论的解释基于证据、概念、模型、理论的解释ExplanationModel/TheoryConception历史常常由胜利者来书写。EvidenceEvidenceEvidenceEvidence基因组学入门Integrity: 整实性 Integrity?is a concept of?/wiki/Consistencyconsistency?of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In?/wiki/Ethicsethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and /wiki/Truthfulnesstruthfulness?or?/wiki/Accuracyaccuracy?of ones actions. Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of?/wiki/Hypocrisyhypocrisy,/wiki/Integrity[1]?in that integrity regards internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs. The word integrity stems from the Latin adjective?integer?(whole, complete)./wiki/Integrity[2]?In this context, integrity is the inner sense of wholeness deriving from qualities such as?/wiki/Honestyhonesty?and consistency of?/wiki/Moral_charactercharacter. As such, one may judge that others have integrity to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles they claim to hold.基因组学入门Evolutionary TimelineDarwin (evolution, natural selection)Lamarck (evolution)基因组学入门基因组学入门Darwin’s Theory: 适者生存Individual organisms in nature differ from one another. Some of this variation is inheritedOrganisms in nature produce mor


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