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Dear Basketball, 篮球,吾生挚爱 From the moment I started rolling my dad’s tube socks 自穿家父球袜 And shooting imaginary Game-winning shots In the Great Western Forum 仿于西部大球馆掷关键之球 I knew one thing was real: 对卿之爱 I fell in love with you. 一往而深 A love so deep I gave you my all?— 愿为佳人倾其所有 From my mind and body 抛头颅,洒热血 To my spirit and soul. 失去理智,肝脑涂地 As a six-year-old boy 垂髫之年 Deeply in love with you 陷此深情 I never saw the end of the tunnel. 难望梦之终点 I only saw myself Running out of one. 只现为伊奔走之身影 And so I ran. 行足难却 I ran up and down every court 疾步于球场 After every loose ball for you. 争球只为佳人一笑 You asked for my hustle I gave you my heart 佳人令吾全力以赴,在下献上赤诚一片 Because it came with so much more. 只要你要,只要我有 I played through the sweat and hurt 淌汗不觉累,伤痛浑不知 Not because challenge called me But because YOU called me. 不为荆棘动,唯从伊人唤 I did everything for YOU 倾我所能,尽我所有 Because that’s what you do 因卿也曾温柔以待 When someone makes you feel as Alive as you’ve made me feel. 且每每使余感己之鲜活 You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dream 施以六岁孩童湖人之梦 And I’ll always love you for it. 余报以琼瑶,万死难辞 But I can’t love you obsessively formuch longer. 然此深情终有决期 This season is all I have left to give. 此季实已灯尽油枯 My heart can take the pounding 余心虽有张弛之力 My mind can handle the grind 脑海尚存冥顽之毅 But my body knows it’s time to say goodbye. 然肉体凡胎业已难堪大用 And that’s OK. 呜呼 I’m ready to let you go. 别事备矣,欲说还休 I want you to know now 惟诉衷肠 So we both can savor every moment we have left together. 韶华岁月,谨记于心 The good and the bad. 无论好恶 We have given each other All that we have. 皆为彼此之全部 And we both know, no matter what I do next 纵然日后沧海桑田 I’ll always be that kid With the rolled up socks 初心不变 Garbage can in the corner 瞄犄角之圆桶 :05 seconds on the clock 设片刻之须臾 Ball in my hands. 怀抱篮球 5?…?4?…?3?…?2?…?1 Love you always, 爱君不变 Kobe 科比 常见的公法股数公理 <一>、,,, 证明:略 1)这是我见到的勾股数组公式中最全面的一组,但我不知道它是不是包含了所有的勾股数组;(估计是包含了) 2)这组勾股数组经过一定的变换便可得到许多变式的勾股数组的公式; 3)此组中有不少是三个数有公约数的; 4)三个数中要么两奇数一偶数,要么三个都是偶数;(至少有一个偶数)



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