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段落和段落的组成 (一)段落的写作步骤 (二)段落扩展 (一)段落的写作步骤 ●首先要思考这一段落的中心思想,用 个完整的句子表达出来(主题句),然后 收集能够证明和解释这个中心思想的细 节和例子。最后按逻辑顺序组织安排好 这些材料,这样就有了一个段落的粗略 草案。 大学英语作文一般都是说明文或议论文, 其段落最常见的框架模式如流程所示: ● Topic Sentence(主题句) Supporting Sentence(主要扩展句1) Supporting Sentence(次要扩展句1) Supporting Sentence(次要扩展句2) Supporting Sentence(主要扩展句2) Supporting Sentence(次要扩展句1) Supporting Sentence(次要扩展句2) Concluding Sentence(结尾句) 例如 o Wherever one lives-in the city or in the country, there are some good reasons for owing a car(topic sentence). First, cars provide the most convenient form of transportation( development sentence). Second, a car is a comfortable way to travel especially in the winter time (development sentence2 例如 Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car when he is out at night development sentence). Therefore, many people favor owning a car(concluding sentence). Back 二)段落扩展 ●段落的组成 ●主题句( topic sentence) 扩展句( development sentence) 结论句( concluding sentence) 主题句 ●主题句就是提出段落主题,它是一个段 落的中心,要求全段其他所有的文字都 围绕它展开。它指出了这段内容的主导 思想。主题句既可以用在段落的开始或 中间,也可以用在段落的末尾,但是对 于我们的考试来说,我们应该尽量把主 题句放置于一个段落的开始,这既有助 于组织材料,也可以使文章结构清楚。 写好段落的主题句是写好作文的关键。 个好的主题句首先应该紧扣文章 的中心思想,把该段落的内容限定在文 章的中心内容之内。 ●例如: pollution是一个比较大的题目, 篇100多字的短文根本不可能容纳它 的全部内容,但是,通过各个段落的主 题句把内容限定在一定的范围之内,各 段的主题句都是该段落的第一句。我们 不难看出,文中三个段落的主题句都紧 扣文章的标题,并很好地限定了段落的 内容。例文 pollution 污染对人类有害 2.为防止污染,近年来采取了一些措施。 3.然而,污染问题尚未完全解决。 Pollution is harmful to human beings Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases even take mans life Dirty air and poisonous gas cause stinging eyes and running nose. Pollutants erode metal and buildings. Measures have been taken to control pollution. In recent years, legislative steps have been introduced to control pollution. Rivers are being cleaned, air is purified, and pollutants are being trapped before they are poured out of chimneys However, pollution problems have not been completely solved Some factories are still using air as a dumping place for


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