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摘 要 本文是关于陈师曾古诗意画的个案研究,以其假借古代诗词而创作的古诗意 画为具体研究对象,揭示其古诗意画与画学思想之间的内在关联,这对全面研究 陈师曾的艺术生涯具有重要价值。采用以小见大的方式,透过古诗意画管窥其画 史形象与艺术价值,折射出陈师曾虽然身处中西文化碰撞的历史节点,仍能以个 人实践为中国传统文人画振聋发聩的精神。 第一章整体概述陈师曾古诗意画,首先论述古诗意画中不同形制作品的风格 特点,其次就古诗意画中暗含的创作动因进行详细考察,以期还原陈师曾创作古 诗意画的内在因素;第二章从图像角度出发,梳理两种诗意山水画的艺术风格与 表现手法,并探讨同题之作的不同艺术表现手法;第三章着重分析陈师曾诗意花 鸟画,从 “寓兴”与 “写意”两大花鸟画传统展开详细论述,管窥这一题材古诗 意画中蕴含的情操与审美理想;第四章分析了陈师曾发表在《太平洋画报》中“古 诗新画”的艺术特征,可知这系列作品多有隐喻并蕴含丰富的现实意义;第五章 基于陈师曾古诗意画与所撰 《文人画之价值》等画学论著之间的关联,揭示古诗 意画的重要价值以及其文人画思想对当下的启示,加深全文主旨。 关键词:陈师曾;古诗意画;文人画之价值;中西融合 I Abstract This easy isa caseresearch of Chen Shizengspoeticpaintings.Takinghispoetic paintings created under the guise of ancient poetry as the specific research object, it reveals the internal relationship between his poetic paintings and painting thoughts, which is of great value to the comprehensive study of Chen Shizengs artistic career. In thisway,we can seethehistorical image and artisticvalue ofhispaintings from the perspective of poetic paintings, reflecting Chen Shizengs spirit of enlightening traditional Chinese literati paintings with his personal practice even though he was in thehistoricalnodeofthecollisionbetween ChineseandWestern cultures. The first chapter is an overall overview of Chen Shizengspoeticpaintings.First, it discusses the style characteristics of different forms of works in poetic paintings. Second, it makes a detailed investigation of the creative motivation implied in poetic paintings, in order to restore the internal factors of Chen Shizengs poetic paintings. Second, from the perspective of images, it combs the artistic styles and expression techniques of the two poetic landscapes, and discusses the different arts of the works of the same title. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of Chen Shizengs poetic flower and bird paintings, and discusses in detai


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