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摘 要 音乐作为一门独特的艺术表达方式,其音乐创作一直以来都受到国内外音乐 学界和音乐教育界的广泛重视。作为作曲专业的研究生,三年研究生期间的学习, 特别是作曲课的学习过程,实际上始终贯穿着从认识思考最终回到音乐创作的过 程,这一不断往复的主线让我对音乐创作有较清晰的认识,使我认识到音乐创作 的目的是传承和发扬中华民族的文化之美,通过音乐作品的魅力让更多的人认可 本民族的文化,增加中华民族的自信心,增强中华民族的凝聚力。同时我们在音 乐创作技法和手法上的认识上应该立足传统、面向世界和未来、兼容并蓄,发展 创新。 本论文主要阐释笔者回眸研究生期间学习音乐创作的思考积累和对学位音乐 会作品创作过程的反思及总结。主要体现在:1、中外经典音乐创作思维与技法 的借鉴2、传统地域音乐文化在创作中的认知和运用。 关键词:音乐创新;创作思维与技法;传统地域音乐文化 I Abstract Music as a unique way of artistic expression, its music creation has been widely valued by the domestic and foreign musicology circles and music education circles. As a graduate student of composition major, the study during the three-year postgraduate period, especially the learning process of composition course, has always been in the process of returning to music creation from cognitive thinking. This continuous and reciprocating main line makes me have a clear understanding of music creation, and makes me realize that the purpose of music creation is to inherit and develop the beauty of Chinese culture through music creation The charm of the product enablesmorepeople torecognizethe culture oftheir own nation,increase the self-confidenceoftheChinesenation,and enhancethecohesion oftheChinesenation. At the sametime,we shouldbase ourselveson tradition,facetheworld andthe future, and develop and innovate in the understanding of music creation techniques and techniques. Thispaper mainly explainsthe authorsthinking accumulation of studying music creation and the reflection and summary of the creation process of degree concert works. It is mainly reflected in: 1. The reference of Chinese and foreign classical musiccreation thinkingandtechniques;2.The cognition and application oftraditional regionalmusicculturein creation. Key words: music innovation; Creative thinking and techniques; Traditional RegionalMusicCult


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