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摘 要 儿童语言习得研究一直以来都是学术界的热门话题,而儿歌作为儿童语言习 得重要材料,不同儿歌的选择和使用将会对儿童语言的发展产生关键性的影响和 作用,本文通过分析儿童语言习得的基本规律,利用优秀的儿歌来促进儿童语言 的发展是语言研究的重要内容。本文选择两类文本作为研究的语料,一是 《生活 中的儿歌》,它是中国知名的适合低龄儿童的儿歌套书;二是《新版365夜儿歌》, 它是国内优秀的儿歌选集之一,主要适合三岁到六岁阶段的儿童歌唱和学习。本 文以这两类儿歌中的文本为主要研究对象,从语言习得视角来考察儿歌的类型和 影响、词汇运用特征等。本文将分为六个部分进行论述和分析: 第一部分主要界定儿歌的概念及争论,通过文献梳理介绍儿歌的相关研究的 现状,明确研究的对象和范围。梳理儿童语言习得词汇的研究现状。阐明论文研 究的目的和意义、语料的来源和研究方法。 第二部分主要分析习得视角下的儿歌词汇概况。 第三部分主要分析儿歌名词的使用情况。 第四部分主要阐述儿歌动词的运用情况。 第五部分主要分析儿歌形容词的使用情况。 第六部分主要分析儿歌的词汇和儿童词汇习得的关联性。 关键字:儿童语言习得;儿歌;词汇;关联性 II Abstract The study of childrens language acquisition has always been a hot topic in academia.As an important material of childrens language acquisition,the choice and use of different childrens songs will have a key influence on the development of childrens language. By analyzing the basic law of childrens language acquisition, it is an important content of language research to use excellent childrens songs to promote the development of childrens language. This paper chooses two kinds of texts as the corpus of the research, one is the childrens song in life, which is a well-known childrens song book suitable for young children in China, and the other is the new edition of 365 Night Childrens Song, which is one of the excellent childrens song anthology in China, which is mainly suitable for the age of three Children in the six-year-old stage sing and learn. This paper mainly takes the text of these two kinds of childrens songs as the main research object, from the perspective of language acquisition to examine the types and effects of childrens songs, vocabulary use characteristics and so on. This paper will be divided into six parts to discussandanalyze: The first part mainly defines the concept and debate of childrens songs, introduces the present situation of the relate



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