翻译的巧3 增译法.ppt

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Amplification in Translation 增译法 口1. Lexical Amplification(从词汇上考虑 的增词) 口2. Syntactical| Amplification(从句法结 构上考虑的增词 口3. Cultural Amplification(从文化上考 虑的增词) 口4. Rhetorica| Amplification(从修辞上 考虑) 1. Lexical Amplification 口1.1增加动词 口1.2增加名词 口1.3增加概括词 口1.4增加副词 口1.5增加量词 口1.6增加表达复数的词 口1.7增加表达时态的词 1.1增加动词 o 1In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibition he would work on the drafting of the final communique 口晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球 表演之后,他还得起草最后的公报。 d 2) She felt the flowers were in her fingers, on her lips, growing in her breast 口译文一:她觉得手里和唇上都是花儿,胸中 也生长着花儿。 口译文二:她觉得她好像手里皇着花,嘴里吻 着花,连胸中也生出了花。 1.2增加名词 口a.在抽象名词后面增加名词 日1) We have made some achievements and we must guard o against complacency. 口我们取得了一些成绩,但还要防止自满情 绪 D 2)Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 口氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。 口b.在具体名词后面增加名词 a)当具体名词表达某种抽象概念时,在译文中也常 常需要根据上下文增加一些适当的名词。 1 He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty 口他让法官的职责战胜父子的私情,而判决他儿子有罪。 o 2)In the future, automation may enable human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they do today 口将来自动化可能使人类享受到比今天更多 的空闲时间。 口c.在形容词前面增加名词 日① This new type of computer is indeed cheap and fine. 口这部新型电脑真是价廉物美。


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