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摘 要 语文阅读教学一直是语文学科研究重点。中国学生发展核心素养的提出,部 编版语文教材的统一编写和使用,学生发展核心素养和语文阅读教学逐渐融合, 语文阅读教学发生着变化。当前背景下,如何使用部编版语文教材进行阅读教学 呢?部编版七年级语文教材阅读板块由教读课和自读课构成。笔者在核心素养提 出和语文教材统编背景下,以部编版语文教材教读课和自读课型的编排设计为切 入点,对部编版七年级语文阅读板块进行教学探究,探究其阅读教学策略。 本论文综合运用文献综述法、对比分析法、调查研究法和案例法,从以下六 个部分展开研究。引言部分,介绍研究背景、研究价值、文献综述和研究方法; 第一章为语文阅读教学相关概述,本章从厘清相关概念、心理学理论角度、语文 阅读教学过程和语文阅读教学地位进行概述;第二章由整体到局部探究部编版七 年级语文阅读板块编排特点;第三章对部编版七年级语文阅读板块教学进行调查 研究,本部分分两个步骤进行研究,首先通过师生调查问卷的形式,运用图表和 文字对调查结果进行呈现、分析和总结,发现存在问题,然后结合访谈法探寻问 题背后的原因;第四章以前几章研究为依据,探究部编本七年级语文阅读板块教 学策略;第五章以教学策略为依据,为部编版七年级语文阅读板块教学设计教读 课和自读课两类课型课堂案例,并作教学设计说明。 关键词:核心素养;部编版七年级语文;阅读板块教学;教学策略;教学案例 I Abstract The teaching of Chinese reading has always been the focus of Chinese subject research. The proposal of developing core literacy of Chinese students, the unified compilation and use of the departmental edition of Chinese teaching materials, the core quality of students development is gradually integrated with the teaching of Chinese reading, the teaching of Chinese reading is changing. Under the current background, how to use the Chinese textbooks compiled by the Ministry to carry out reading teaching? The reading section of the seventh grade Chinese textbook is composed of teaching reading class and self reading class. The reading section of the seventh grade Chinese textbook is composed of teaching reading class and self reading class. Under the background of the core literacy and the Integrated Compilation of Chinese teaching materials, the author takes the layout design of the teaching and reading courses and the self reading courses as the starting point to explore the teaching of the seventh grade Chinese reading section of the Ministry edition and exploreitsreadingteaching strategies. In this paper, literature review, comparative analysis, investigation and case study are used to study from


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