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四年级上册短语汇总 Module 1 behind the tree?树的后面 on your left?你的左面 on your right?你的右面 beside the cinema?电影院的旁边 is lost 迷路 live in 住在 excuse me 对不起,打扰了 turn right 向右转 turn left 向左转 go straight on直走 next to 紧挨着,临近 You are welcome!不客气 up the Hill?上山 down the Hill?下山 near the House?靠近房屋 at the station 在车站 left foot?左脚 right foot?右脚 all day?整天 all night?整夜 come on?加油 Module 2 read a book读书 play football?踢足球 play basketball?打篮球 look at 看 take pictures 拍照片 watch TV 看电视 little brother?小弟 a toy train?玩具火车 fly a kite?放风筝 ride a bike?骑自行车 listen to music 听音乐 talk to her friend.和朋友讲话 write a letter 写信 play with 和......玩 come here?过来 do my homework?写家庭作业 Module 3 get on 上车 lots of 许多 interesting thing 有趣的事 in the park 在公园 on the lake 在湖上 under the tree 在树下 do taijiquan 打太极 row a dragon boat 划龙舟 play chess 下象棋 drink soybean milk 喝豆浆 play football打足球 play basketball 打篮球 play table tennis 打乒乓球 between the trees 在树中间 me too 我也是 lets go 让我们走 draw pictures 画画 ? Module 4 make noodles 做面条 make dumplings 做饺子 make cakes 做蛋糕 fast food快餐 in England 在英国 cook vegetables 炒菜 noodles with tomato and egg?西红柿鸡蛋面 noodles with meat and potato?土豆牛肉面 How much is it??多少钱? Can I help you?我可以帮你吗? of course?当然 here you are?给你 put in?穿上 as fast as you can?越快越好 Module5 In the sky?在空中 run fast 跑得快 jump high 跳得高 jump far 跳得远 Module 6 come here 到这儿 turn on 打开 happy birthday 生日快乐 come in 进来 here you are 给你 happy Halloween 万圣节快乐 trick or treat 不给糖就捣乱 Module 7 ride a/the horse 骑马 have a look 看 in this/the photo 在这张照片上 run fast 跑得快 climb a/the tree 爬树 eat vegetables 吃蔬菜 under the tree 在树下 on the bike 在自行车上 eat fruit 吃水果 in the tree 在树上 Module 8 bedtime/time for bed 睡觉时间 get up 起床 by plane 乘飞机 in the sea 在海里 are going to +动词原形 将要干…… be from 来自 at five oclock?五点钟 go to fish?去钓鱼 in the park?在公园 visit the?zoo?去动物园 and you?你呢? on Sunday?在星期天 by bus?乘公共汽车 Module 9 Sports Day 运动日 this mon



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