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摘 要 本文是有关独唱音乐会的毕业设计,文中主要分析了本人对音乐会中相关 曲目的理解以及演唱的情感,2015年9 月本人成为中国音乐学院声歌系的一员, 三年的研究生经历让我收获良多,在这里首先非常感谢我的恩师宋一教授,在 这三年来对我循循善诱,修改我的问题,改正我的不足,使我不仅仅在专业演唱 水准上有了质的快速提升,同时更为重要的是使我在对于声乐艺术的认识上有了 根本性的转变,使我收获了颇多。此次毕业音乐会本人及我敬爱的导师都为此倾 注了很多的精力与热情,在宋一教授的指导下,我们师生在曲目设计及编排上、 从音乐风格及其中所流露的情感这几个方面做出了精心的安排,可以说音乐会的 各个细节、环节包括曲目的衔接、情绪的流露等都渗透着恩师宋一教授的悉心指 导以及不辞辛劳的无私奉献,可以说,从老师身上我不仅学到了最高水准的声乐 知识与技能,同时也让我学到了作为一名声乐演员应该具备的品质与精神。毕业 独唱音乐会设计大致包括两个重要部分,首先是音乐会上设定曲目的歌名,其次 是曲目的相关资料以及对其特点、风格的看法。这场音乐会中涉及的曲目范围较广, 中外皆有,歌曲、歌剧也都有呈现,同时也将传统和现代作品相融。 关键词: 音乐会,演唱感受,艺术歌曲,歌剧咏叹调 i Abstract Thispaper for my master degree in solo concert ofgraduation design,mainly about the analysison the concert repertoire and singing,I completed in September 2015 at the China academy of music sound of songs, the school study for a masters graduate degree, I have benefited a lot from three years of study in school, through my teacher professor song a three years of meticulous precision guidance and tireless teachings, modify my questions, correct my shortcomings, I not only sing in professional level with rapid ascension, at the same time, more important is that I have made a fundamental understanding of vocal music art, has caused me to gain a lot.The graduation concert I and my beloved mentor for all invested a lot of energy andpassion, aprofessor in the song dynasty,under the guidance of our teachers and students on the track design and layout, from the perspective of music style and music emotion towards the elaborate design and layout, this song concert from overall design, idea, to every song, every detail processing, all can not do without the guidance of my teacher professor song a selfless dedication and hard-working, can say,I not only learn from the teacher to the highest level of vocal music knowledge and skills, but also let I learned as a vocal actor shou



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