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Unit 1 Past and present 词汇:p6-7 过去past 现在,目前 present 刚才just (用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经 used to 交通工具 transport 公交车bus 长途汽车 coach(复数) coaches 出租车taxi 火车tran 地铁 underground 飞机pane 翻译: 1.两年前我步行上学。 went to school on foot two years ago. =l walked to school two years ago 2.现在我骑自行车上学。 I go to school by bike now=l ride a bike to school now 3.我的爸爸每天乘公交车上班。 My father goes to work by bus everyday. =My father takes a bus to work everyday 4.我的妈妈每天开车上班 My mother goes to work by car everyday. =My mother takes a car to work bread Unit 1 Past and Present 短语翻译短语翻译:p6-7 1.过去和现在 past and present 2.一小时前 an hour ago 3你看见我的食物了吗? Have you seen my food? 4.我刚刚吃了它 Ive just eaten it 5.你吃了我的食物 Youve eaten my food? 6.你过去常常和我分享食物的。 You used to share food with me 7.过去常常做某事 used to do sth 8.和某人分享某物 share sth with me 9.你过去对我很友好。 You used to be kind to me 10.对某人友好 be kind/nice/friendly to sb 11骑自行车去上学 go to school by bike 12.乘公共汽车 take a bus 13.太多的人 too many people 14等下一班车花了很长时间。 It took a long time to wait for the next one y 15.方便快捷 easy and fast Unit 1 Past and Present(reading) 词汇预习:p8-10 自…以来 sInce 形势,情况 situation 曾经 在某种程度上 In some ways 北方的,北部的 northern 然而 however 已婚的,结婚的 married 不可能的 impossible 妻子 wie复数: wIves以前,过去,已经 before 街区 block 孤独的,寂寞的 lonely 在…期间 over 不时,有时,偶尔 from time to time 把变成 turn. . into 尽管,即使这样 anyway 污染:污染物 pollution 丈夫 husband 工厂 facto 废料;废品 waste 意识到实现 realize 改进改善 Improve Unit 1 Past and Present 短语翻译:p8-11 1.非常了解 know a lot about.. =know.. very well 2.自从我出生我就住这儿了。 ve lived here since was born 3在城镇的北部 in the northern part of town/in the north of town 4.结婚 get married 5.搬到两个街区以外 move two blocks away 6.自从那时 since then 7.改变许多 change a lot 8.近几年在这些年间 over the years 9.在镇中 in the town centre 10.把镇中心的一部分变成一个新公园 turn part of the town centre into a new park 1.把……变成 turn .into 12.污染问题 a pollution problem 13.一家钢铁厂 a steel factory 14.往河里排放废弃物 ut the waste into the river 15.意识到这个问题 realize the problem 16.采取行动做某事 take action to do sth 17.改善情况 improve the situation 18干净的多 much cleaner 19.在某种程度上是这样的


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