PEP小学英语三年级上册The second period(第二课时)(教学课件).ppt

PEP小学英语三年级上册The second period(第二课时)(教学课件).ppt

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Recycle 2 The second period(第二课时) PEP·三年级上册 Free talk —Can I have some water, please? —Sure. Here you are. —Have some milk. —Thank you. —How many pens? —Six. Sing the song—Ten little candles Sing the song—ABC song duck Say the words quickly. three zoo egg cake two fish milk rice juice five cat seven dog tiger panda water pig ten bear bread one cat bird nine monkey eight six four elephant Let’s chant How many birds? One, one, one. How many cats? Two, two, two. How many eggs? Three, three, three. How many pigs? Four, four, four. How many ducks? Five, five, five. Make a new chant with numbers from six to ten. Look and say. 1. A dice(骰子) 2. “Seven” and “Nine” 3. What sentence can you say about Picture 3? Can I have some cake? 4. It’s a duck. 5. I have an English book. 6. How many books? 7. Aa Hh Jj Kk 8. water bread 9. Have some milk. 10. Have some food. 11. rice fish 12. three eggs 13. a bag 14. Sarah Chen Jie a toy bear 15. Goodbye! 16. B C D E G P T V Z 17. a monkey 18. F L M N S X 19. a ruler 20. a woman and a cat 21. an elephant 22. Have some water. 23. li Yy 游戏说明:学生两人一组掷骰子,每人每次掷一次,完成看图说话活动,答错的学生停掷一次。遇到梯子直接晋级到梯子顶端的格子内,完成相应活动,遇到蛇则后退到蛇尾所在的格子,完成相应活动。看到实物图片时说单词,说出完整句子更好;看到情景图片时说句子,答案开放,适合该场景的句子均算通关;看到字母时根据图片要求完成说或写的活动。谁能最快到达终点就是赢家。 Let’s play Find your friends Work in two groups. Give Group 1 the capital letter cards and give Group 2 the lowercase letter cards. Do the match. A_ _b Cc D_ Ee F_ G_ Hh _i Ji K_ Ll _m Nn Oo _p Q_ Rr Ss T_ Uu Vv _w Xx Y_ Zz a B d f g I k M P q t W y Fill in the blanks. The writing rules of the 26 letters 英语字母大小写 初学书写要规范 大写一律上两格 原则顶住第一线 小写有头上两格 b, d, h, k和l 有尾下面占两格 g, q, y, p莫写错 无头无尾中间格 十三字母无漏写 a, c, e, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z i, t中上一格半 还有f,j占三格 所有字母略右斜 笔顺笔画须记牢 始学养成好习惯 大小宽窄要协调 Let’s write Sing a song. Make a new song. … A for aunt, B for big; C for cake and D for dance; E for eight and F for frog; G for go and H for hot; … For example Blackboard design Recycle


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