涉外导游英语 Module II:Outbound Tourism Unit 6 Shopping Service.pptx

涉外导游英语 Module II:Outbound Tourism Unit 6 Shopping Service.pptx

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;;Warming-up;Next ;;乔治·阿玛尼 /view/63295.htm?from_id=1603251type=synfromtitle=Giorgio+Armanifr=aladdin;;;;;Task 2;Home;Home;Home;Shopping in Paris;; There are two sale seasons every year in Paris: the big summer sale (from mid June to mid August) and the big winter sale (from mid January to mid February). Discounts and special offers are everywhere. Discounts are available especially on clothes, shoes and accessories but also on household products. They are offered to promote the remaining products from the previous season’s collections. For a pleasant shopping experience, visit the two famous shopping centers on the Boulevard Haussmann in the 9th arrondissement: Printemps and Galeries Lafayette, which are located next to each other. ; In Paris shopping is an art. Parisians take fashion very seriously and shopping in Paris can be enjoyed as much as a meal in one of the city’s many excellent restaurants or a visit to one of its world-class museums. Shops offer chic, comfortable and up-to-date design, so whatever you are looking to buy, Paris may well be the most appropriate destination. Paris is a shopper’s paradise. ; 你理想的购物地点是哪呢?很多人会选择法国的巴黎。作为世界上几大购物城市之一的巴黎,在那里你可以随处买到著名的香水,时尚的服装和名酒。种类繁多和风格迥异的商店使得巴黎成为具有时尚意识的游客必选的购物场所。 在巴黎,大多数商店的营业时间是从周一到周六早上十点开门,晚上七点关门。但是时间有时也会有些变化,因为其中一些小店可能会有午休的时间2个小时。周四会营业到很晚,直到九十点才会关门。在周日只有旅游景点和香榭丽舍大街的商店还会营业。第八区的梦田大道是时尚购物的最佳地点之一,在这里你会找到巴黎最奢华的商店。这些商店里卖的都是引领国际时尚的大牌产品,比如娇兰、香奈儿、迪奥、杜嘉班纳、普拉达、华伦天奴。; 在巴黎每年有两个打折季:夏季打折从六月中旬到八月中旬;冬季打折从一月中旬到二月中旬。折扣和特价到处都是,不仅衣服、鞋子、饰品会打折,生活物品也会打折。这些折扣都是为了促销上一季的产品。如果你想体会愉快的购物经历,一定要去第九区奥斯曼大道上两个著名的购物中心,春天百货和老佛??,这两个地方紧挨着。 ; 在巴黎购物是一种艺术,巴黎人对待时尚非常认真。在巴黎购物的乐趣就像在一些城市的著名餐馆用餐和参观一流博物馆一样多。那里的商店会给你提供时髦的、舒适的、必威体育精装版的设计,因此无论你想买什么,巴黎是最佳的目的地。巴黎已经成为了购物者的天堂。;;;;;Task 2;Task 3;Task 4;Home;;Script;C;Cassie: Excuse me, can I help you? Zhang Wei: Some of my tour group would like to buy some gifts for their friends. Cassie: What kind of gifts do they like? Zhang Wei: In fact, they have no idea. What would you recommend? Cassie: How about t



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